Twenty Seven

39 5 13

CASE NO. 216


DATE: 28/2/2015
6:28 P.M (E.S.T)




ARIAS: Hello. Please state your name for the record.

BLANCHARD: Name? Right, um... Savannah Blanchard. Savannah with two n's.

ARIAS: Right then. Let's get started. Tell me about your relationship between you and Bree Scarborough.

BLANCHARD: Oh our friendship? Well, to be honest we weren't really that close.

ARIAS: I see. Some of your peers mentioned that you two weren't on the happiest terms, am I correct?

BLANCHARD: Well yeah, you are. But if what you're trying to say is-

ARIAS: Oh I'm not saying anything, other than what I have heard. Tell me about the night of February 16. I heard you were not home?

BLANCHARD: No, I wasn't. I went out for a midnight run. My uh, my sister the year before and it was...(unintelligable) her one year anniversary.

ARIAS: I see. Were you meeting with anybody?

BLANCHARD: Yeah, his name was Jax Havens. We were just going to go for a run, neither of us showed to school?

ARIAS: Jax knew Penelope?

BLANCHARD: No...I thought he did. But he didn't. He took the day off from school because February 16 was the day his mom had gotten into a car accident. It was a tragic accident, even though she survived. I guess they take the day off every year as a reminder of standing strong or something.

ARIAS: I understand. And Cora, how long has she been missing?

BLANCHARD: Not really sure, no one reported her, no one told me much.

ARIAS: Are not you close with thus group?

BLANCHARD: I'm the newbie. They don't tell me as much as they should.

ARIAS: And I understand that the friendship between you and Cora wasn't solid, right?

BLANCHARD: It wasn't hatred. She just always got my name wrong.

ARIAS: What about the dissappearence of Armoni West? Could that have anything to do with it?

BLANCHARD: I doubt it will. In the few that they told me it was always that Armoni liked to run away, she was one of those wanderers. Its sad to think, but maybe she didn't come back this time.

ARIAS: Very sad indeed. No further questions.

BLANCHARD: Wait. One more thing.


BLANCHARD: Bree and I had a falling out before she disappeared.

ARIAS: About?

BLANCHARD: *sighs* Mr. Evans. Our teacher. He and Bree were...together. I found out about it but I didn't say anything, decided against it because I thought that maybe I could use it to keep her from always humiliating me. But now that she's missing...It was wrong, okay? So I'm telling you this now.

ARIAS: Thank you, I'll look into it. No further questions.


A/N Thanks to everyone for 3k!!! I love all of you you guys are rad!

On another note, my friend, the one who died back in January. It is her birthday today. She would have been 15.

R.I.p. Alahna Shalvey

Speaking of her, her character Rhea Tucker in my story? I promised you that she'll get more and more important, don't worry you'll see what I mean soon enough.

Very short chapter, like around 500 words or less. But there wasn't much to focus on.

Til I write again,

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