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March 5th, 2014

"Savannah, please baby open up."

I'm sorry sis.

"Savannah, we haven't seen you since the funeral, and even then you never talked. We need to speak to you about this."

It's not you or anyone else. 

"Sweetie, you're not eating. Sneaking downstairs for more water every week isn't exactly getting better. Savannah please open the door, your father and I are worried."

It's me.

"Your school called. You have a lot of overdue assignments. Not saying you should do them now, but you need to consider them, for high school. And we need to talk about moving."

My time is up.

"Savannah, we can't help you if you won't let us. We can heal as a family. There is still more, your life isn't over yet. We can fix this."

It's all over


My dream started off normal, after walking Stacie I went inside the house to see pieces of glass, or broken items that belonged to Penelope. Confused, I ran upstairs to her room, trying to open it, only to see it locked.
"Teenage tantrum again? Mom's gonna be pissed."
No response, I just hear sniffles from the other side of the door.
Then my dream changed.
I was someplace high,like the top of a building. I walked towards the end and looked down. I could barely see people from here. There was a logo on the floor -which I guess isn't the floor if it's the roof- that looked like the Bank of America logo. I instinctively sat down from the edge.
"Mmmmhmmm hhmmmm mmmm"
Someone was humming behind me, I attempted to turn around but I couldn't. I was paralyzed. "Whose there?" I called out.
Again, no response, but for some reason I felt like I knew who this person was. There was a sharp kick to my back, and then I was falling to my death from the top of the tower.
I fell for like eight hours, then I started to see the ground. Everyone around me was screaming and running away, and right before I hit the ground my dream shifted.
I was in an elevator, for some reason it wasn't moving. I pressed the up button.
(Note to self: never press the up button in a dream.)
The walls started moving together and coming closer, space slipping out of my grasp. It stopped moving about 2 centimeters away from my body, so I could move, but not freely. It felt like hours I was there, trapped, isolated, sweaty. I could tell I was running out of air, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

Then I woke up.

I woke up practically hyperventilating, sweating all over and my pupils were dilated. I ran out the door and to the nearest restroom.
Unfortunately, it was the boys restroom.
"So you seem to be having fun here right?"
My second and final session with this woman came. It was late Saturday night, and my mom would come for me tomorrow. I was supposed to have at least three sessions, but after the little "incident" of walking in the boys restroom we cut short to two, which is fine by me, except for the fact that today was awful. I could have sworn walking in that I let out a flock of wild animals or something, not to mention the serious scolding I got for doing that and I lost my shower privileges for the rest of the weekend. I'm about ready to just leave this city, as far from here as possible.

"Very funny, hahaha I'm dying."

"Poor choice of words Savannah."

"Don't call my name like you know me."

"Don't walk into a guy's restroom if you are a girl."

"You want to talk about my sister? Fine! She was the best sister anyone could have! But she was soo secretive, she never told her friends about me, nor me about her friends. She was so private, so to herself. So when that night happened..." I kept my head down, not wanting to finish but I knew what was going to say.
About five minutes passed, no one said anything. I guess I was supposed to continue.
"I just wish I knew."

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