Twenty Six

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Thursday night is finally here. I mean one might argue and say that I'm excited, but I'm still unsure if I am. Chaz will be there, so I guess I won't be all alone. Jax, he'll be with Jessica, so I don't imagine talking to him tonight at all.

Even though we we're going to have a big dinner, I settled down on my couch with a half eaten burger. I mean my hair wasn't even done yet, I'm legit dressed the way I went to school today- joggers and a sweatshirt. But Jessica was being sooo picky today, like "No Savannah it's okay, I'll do all your hair and make up!"

Not gonna lie though, her make up is always on fleek.

Just as I had sat down the door bell rang. Great. And I already had gotten comfortable too.

"Jax?" He looked up from his phone.
"Hey Savannah, my mom is out back with yours, apparently they are going to look at your garden or something. You ready to go?"

I hesitated. "I mean, yeah, no offense but Chaz-"

"Couldn't make it. And I told him my mom was going to your house anyways, he'll meet you at Jessica's."

"Oh, okay."

" ready to go?"

"Yeah just let me get my mom to take us-"

Jax bursted out laughing. For a while. Which wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't occasionally patting my shoulder or poking my stomach.

I frowned. "What?"

Once he finally simmered down, and wiped his tears, he began to talk.
"Savannah, I'm 16."

"That's cool. I already knew that."

"No I mean I'm 16. I already have my license."

My mouth formed an O. Then I looked confused because honestly I was.

"Wait you can drive?"

He nodded.

"And you've been taking your bike here and to school instead of your car?"

Another nod, slightly less confident though.

"Why would you put yourself through so much pain?"

Jax shrugged. "Bike riding works better for me. Not that I can't drive well, but I just prefer the work out. So you ready? Because my outfit is in the car, and not trying to rush you but we will be late if you aren't ready."

"Oh yeah! Of course I'm ready! Ill just get my purse."

I had expected her house to be massive, but not that massive.

Her parties must've been legendary, and she only throws them once every two years or so. What were her parents doing that were paying these bills?

"Yeah, I had that same look when I first came here. Really makes you think right?"

"You have no idea."

Jax's driving was so basic. He rolled the windows down so the wind blew in his hair, and made him look like a movie star, even though we twinned, both wearing a sweatshirt and joggers.

When we parked, I got out of the car and we walked to Jessica's front door. Without warning, the door flew open and Jessica practically engulfed me in the biggest hug, basically crushed me. Then of course I tried to turn away as quickly as possible when she gave Jax a big kiss. I mean it's not my place go say anything so... you won't be hearing from me.

"Savannah! Jax told me he was going to pick you up, I wanted to but he insisted for some reason. But hey baby!" Chaz, already at the door by the time I fully walked in the house, hugged me with his huge hoodie and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

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