"Yep, Karugo had his ways." Shane commented while holding Mika who was dressed in a cute dress.

Everyone was in a semi-formal outfit. The girls were on casual dresses, while the guys are just in jeans and button up top or just a white shirt. Only Karugo wore a full blown outfit.

He was dressed in slacks, white button up shirt and a suit jacket. Talk about dramatics or something. He really idolized my Grandpa and it was quite off putting.

"Okay, everyone into positions when he comes in and greet him politely!" Karuho said sternly as he looks at us while he constantly adjusts his outfit.

"Aren't you being too excited?" Violet asked with a raised eyebrow while standing next to Ariela and Shane.

"This is just normal!" Karugo replied and I saw how Zain looked like he was holding back his laughter.

I turned to the door and heard it rattle. Everyone heard it and they all got into position except me, Aze, Zero, Trevor, Zain and well Ino as he copied me..

"Good morning, Council Alfolfo Syrie." They all greeted simultaneously as they line up the door, and I tried my best not to laugh when grandpa looked confuse and even overwhelmed seeing a bunch of teenagers greet and bow down to him.

"Theres no need for such a greeting... Just call me Grandpa Alfie or Grandpa Syrie." Grandpa waved his hand at them to stop it and then he looked around and smiled seeing me. "Eri, you have such nice friends." He said.

I smiled and walked over to him. "Hey grandpa, can we get down to buisness already and discuss what you wanted to say while eating breakfast?" I offered with a kind smiled.

"Sounds good, now you all stop being too formal and be comfortable. I'm not some tyrant to be feared." Grandpa smiled at them as I lead him to the table.

Trevor walked next to us and greeted Grandfather and Grandpa looked pleased seeing him. The two of them chatted asking about Trevor's Father the Alpha. I guess Grandpa knew who was Trevor's Dad is.

Everyone gotten seated and everyone melted into their own conversations as they ate, while Karugo was looking at my grandfather with bright smiling faces. Grandpa was talking with Trevor, Aze and Zero as they all had some connections with grandfather's friends.

Breakfast went on for a while umtil everyone was done with their food, that's when Grandpa chose the time to discuss about what he would tell us. Everyone, focused on to him and they all looked serious and I felt proud to have such an authorative Grandfather.

"With all the keys assembled, we had sad news that the Key and Guardian of the Demon realms dead. They were found dead at the waste lands." Grandpa inertwined his fingers as he propped his elbow on to the table with his chin resting agains his intertwined fingers.

"Sir? I had not heard of such news form my father. Had we missed this information?" Zero asked with his voice  serious, almost like a proper prince without his stutter and shy tone he usually had.

"We only found out three days ago. I also had heard about that the dark people had no relations to this. They were laying dormant in their side and wanted nothing to do with our side." Grandpa shook his head. "We believed their words, as years passed and no such disturbance had occured."

Zero clicked his tongue and looked down. "Then, the mission of finding the keys are over. Whatever you councils had planned, if parts of the pillars are now dead then theres no longer any point into this."

"I agree to that, but the council had decided to keep everyone in one place just to be sure. We had raised suspicions about a certain group of people." Grandpa looked over at me and his lips thinned. "Also, to find Eridell's younger brother... I have plans to only send a few of you."

"That's alright sir, it would be best if everyone are staying here and only a selective few to go on to this rescue mission." Aze nodded as he matched my grandfather's seriousness.

"Is everyone alright with these decisions?" My grandfather asked.

Everyone nodded and looked down solemnly. They all have families they had left and it was unfair to keep them here, but they knew it was their only choice of safety. To keep themselves safe and their family away from these troubles.

Aze started reluctant, "Also, sir about my realm–"

"The epidemic. We are already taking control of it and have it under control to keep your people under supervisions but we still find no cure. The curse is far too complex that it will take a while to find the counter curse." Grandpa sighed. "It really is troubling, but rest assured. We will do our best and your parents are doing well. They are keeping everything under control and not affected by the curse... For now."

Aze lets out a sigh of relief and looked relieved for the first time in a while. He really was worried about his people

"Now, shall we decide who will go in the rescue mission?" Grandpa asked, and everyone had straightened up and listened well.


UwU hehehehehehehe

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