🥀☁️-Katsuki x Depressed!S/o!Reader

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Drake got me in my feelings bro.

The Calm

((Quirk: you choose))—xXx—

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((Quirk: you choose))

Here you were sitting in your dorm room, crying whilst ignoring your boyfriends texts and calls. You honestly just couldn't face him at the moment. You hated when people saw you crying, it makes you feel weak. You decided to let it all free and started sobbing. It was getting harder these days to hide the truth about you being depressed. There'd be times where you were just cuddling with Bakugou when suddenly a wave of all your mental health issues would hit you.

You'd either hold it in as best as you can or excuse yourself to the bathroom to calm yourself down. You started taking bathroom breaks every few minutes which was starting to worry Bakugou a little. Deep down inside of him he knew he should probably ask you what was going on but he didn't for some reason.

You jumped as a knock was heard on your door. You quickly went silent, putting your hand over your mouth to mask the sound of your sobs that you were struggling to hide at this point. "Babe, Open the door." You heard Bakugou's voice.

Your heart dropped at the sound of his voice. What if he finds out? What will you do? You backed up into the corner of your bed, your knees now up to your chest. He knocked again, "Babe?" You winced at the sound of one of your sobs escaping your mouth. "Y/n, open the door." You clenched your teeth together and attempted to silently sniffle which eventually failed. "Y/n, open the damn door or I'm gonna break it down." Bakugou said, his voice was gentle yet demanding. You hesitated for a moment before getting up and unlocking the door.

You kept your head low as you cracked the door open. "Yes...?" You asked quietly, your voice being almost lost. He opened the door fully which made you almost fall back. "H-Hey, Get o-out..!" You said while frantically wiping your face free of tears. Bakugou closed the door and grabbed both of your arms. You struggled to hide your tear soaked face as he held them both pretty well. "S-stop it- Bakugou! L-let go of m-me! Pl-please.." you yelled, your voice dropping with every word that left your mouth. By the end of your sentence you were back to crying while forcing your face into Bakugou's chest. "Wh-why didn't you.." you attempted to speak but more tears cut you off.

"Just breathe, and tell me what happened." He said, rubbing your back comfortingly. You gripped his shirt in your hands as his heartbeat helped you calm down. He hugged you tightly while whispering things like 'it's okay', and 'just breathe' in your ear. After you calmed enough, the grip you had on his shirt lifted a little more. "I-I'm Sorry..I didn't m-mean to c-cry in f-front.." you sniffled, "of y-you like th-this." You broke out into tears again. "Hey hey, shh, it's ok alright, just tell me what's going on.." Bakugou said, trying to be a little more gentle and comforting.

"C-can we sit down a-and talk about th-this..?" He nodded and picked you up, going over to your bed. He placed you down on it before sitting down himself. You sat up and faced him while wiping your tears again. "Bakugou.." you said, your voice cracking. "Have you ever felt completely worthless before...like you don't deserve to live..?" You asked, looking at him straight in the eye. You saw his expression change to that of a sad one. He had no words as he looked at you. His body took over as he hugged you tightly. You gripped his shirt again, burying your face into his chest while silent crying.

"Y/n, baby, you deserve to live. I can promise you that." He whispered in your ear. "It doesn't feel like it.." you mumbled, though he still heard you. "Listen to me—" he pulled back from the hug he was giving you and grabbed your face, wiping the tears that were left with his thumb. "You mean more to me than anything in this damn world alright? I fucking love you and I don't want you feeling this way. We can get you the help you need to feel better and I'll be with you through every step of the way." He kissed you and you cried while kissing back.

You pulled back from the kiss and wiped your tears again, while nodding. "I'll try to get a therapist and stuff..." you mumbled. "Good." Bakugou hugged you again, and you and him spent the rest of the night talking about why you're depressed while he helped you look for a good therapist...

..It'll get better one day...

WOrD COuNt: 819

愛: Bakugou x Reader [OneShots]Where stories live. Discover now