☁️- Hero!Katsuki x Reader

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Convention Tingz pt. 1

(Quirk: you choose)

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(Quirk: you choose)


You didn't really try to be in the spotlight. You were that typical quiet artistic type.

The most you socialize on a daily basis is when you send memes to your friends. Although your art talent was really good and your friend, (B/F/N), had suggested you sell it for money. You ended up taking that offer and create art visuals of your favorite shows or pro hero's and post them online. People soon started asking for requests and you found out a way to transfer your art onto different things such as posters, phone cases, shirts, hoodies, hats, shoes, you name it! You even learned how to 3D print and how to make sculptures. So now you sell figurines too.

You had gained some fame on social media for your art and even landed a merchandise booth at Pōhīrō-con. You were super excited, beyond that even. Pōhīrō-con was a convention for pro hero's. You could cosplay, walk around, buy merchandise, eat food, and meet your favorite pro hero's. There was also a super cool competition for the pro's where they would go up against each other in a battle to see who would win. Kinda like the U.A. Sports festival.

You always wanted to go but you couldn't, well, until now. You would have a custom merchandise booth of your own. But forget all of that, the only reason you were excited was because you might just get to meet Ground Zero. THE Ground Zero.

He was one of your favorite pro hero's after all. So you didn't blame yourself for screeching inhuman sounds for 30 minutes straight when you got the e-mail. You still had to come up with your booth design though. Luckily you had a month before you had to go.


That was probably the longest month in your lifetime. But it payed off. You were beyond excited to meet Ground Zero. You brought (B/F/N) along with you because you would need some help in setting up the booth and making sure everything looked nice.

Once you set up you realized that all of the merchants and other selling anything else had all gotten there earlier than everyone else. Same with some pro hero's that passed by your booth when you and (B/F/N) were setting up. The con still had around 30 minutes until it was officially open so why not go and look around for a few pro hero's. You knew you might not get another time if the con was busy. And judging by the YouTube videos you've seen, it definitely would be.

So, carefully you moved the table ever so slightly to let yourself out without knocking off anything. "And where are you going?" (B/F/N) asked as they turned to face you after hanging up one of the display posters of Tsukoyomi. "The con doesn't start for another 30 minutes so let's go walk around a bit, we might get to meet some pro hero's!~" you sung as you wiggled your eyebrows slightly. (B/F/N) sighed and crossed their arms looking at you, skeptically. You groaned, "come onnnnn, pleaseee! We might get to see Froppy!" (B/F/N) instantly got around the table and seemed to be walking away from you. "Why are you just standing there aren't you coming!" They yelled as they continued walking.

You chuckled under your breath and jogged to catch up the them a bit. You ended up running into a few pro hero's like Uravity and Cellophane. To which, you got autographs and some photos. Let's just say (B/F/N) started to freak out when they had accidentally bumped into Froppy when they weren't paying attention. They freaked out even more when they got an autograph, a hug, and a photo.

You were glad (B/F/N) got to meet Froppy but you were still looking for a certain explosive hero. "U-uhm excuse me Froppy!" You yelled before she started leaving. "What is it, Kero" she questioned turning to look at you. "D-do you- would you happen to know if u-uhm G-Ground Zero is here..?" You asked quietly. She shook her head. "Most of the time he doesn't really leave his room at the exclusive hotel until the competition starts, Kero. If you're lucky you might be able to see him." She responded, now facing you fully. You nodded and bowed slightly, thanking her. "Thank you!" She nodded towards you as (B/F/N) yelled for you to hurry back to the booth since the con would be starting abouttttt now actually.


The con was pretty hectic at first. Some people actually recognized your art which made you smile. You and (B/F/N) actually ended up selling a ton of stuff and getting a ton of money. Some pro hero's even came up to your booth.

Specifically Charge Bolt and RedRiot.

They came up to your booth complimenting your art which made you blush and thank them. They even ended up buying their own merch. Both of them getting a hoodie and a figurine of themselves. "Y-you guys know Ground Zero right? I-if you see him today, can you give this to him?" You asked the hero's while handing them a large figurine of Ground Zero along with a backpack with a design of him that was filled with more stuff you created.

RedRiot gave you a toothy grin as he took the stuff. "Yeah of course!" You smiled, glad they even accepted the offer. "Thank you! And thank you for buying my merchandise, it was really cool meeting the both of you!" Charge Bolt smiled as he waved, walking off a bit, RedRiot not too far behind. "No problem! Your arts super cool! Keep up the good work!" He yelled back to you as his wave turned into a thumbs up.

You let out a breath you didn't exactly know you were holding. "They're so cool.." you mumbled to yourself. "I know right!" (B/F/N) exclaimed as they got ready to greet another customer who was making there way over to your booth.


The only reason this is gonna be in parts is because the manga got me shook rn.

~Thx for reading~

~Bai my lil' Nuggets ~

WOrD COuNt: 1064

愛: Bakugou x Reader [OneShots]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora