🥀☁️-Bully!Katsuki x POC!Reader x Todoroki

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Requested by: LeiLei1227

They're fucking mine!

((Quirk: You choose))

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((Quirk: You choose))


You sighed as you shut off your alarm clock. You really did not wanna get up. Well, it's less of the fact that you didn't want to get up and more of the fact that you didn't want to deal with a certain persons bullshit. Honestly, dealing with Bakugou's bullying all your life really got on your nerves. You had came to Japan from America in middle school when Bakugou had started bullying you just because you were Black. Like dude. That's just fucked up right? What's worse is that when you had gotten into U.A. you thought that you might just be able to get away from his bullying but when you found out you were in the same class as him it was even worse. It was probably worse for you since you kinda liked the guy. You had thought he was fairly attractive when you had first seen him. But that quickly grew from 'admiration' to 'oh shit, he's hot'. You hated your emotions! You liked him, but you hated him, 'cause he's a jerk! It makes it even more worse that you go to school with a bunch of hot anime boys!

Your mom walked into your room, flicking your lights on and off as she told you to get up repeatedly. Then turned off your fan, and left, leaving your door wide open. (Only my mom? Yes? Alright) You groaned as you got up and got ready. Maybe today would be better. After all, this was the day you were gonna finally stand up for yourself.


"Hey Mina." You greeted the pink haired girl as you walked over to your desk. "Hey Y/n! How was your weekend?" She asked you. As you two talked about your weekend, a certain dual-haired boy couldn't help but let his eyes drift over to you. A small smile crept onto his face as he looked at you. He was always so fascinated by you. Not just because of the color of your skin. You were all around gorgeous to him. Your smile, your skin, the way your (E/c) eyes seemed to glow during golden hour. (Sunset, if you don't know. ) He honestly couldn't care less if you were black. You were the first person he really liked more than a friend.

He was shook out of his enchanting thoughts by a loud boom, followed by the door slamming open. Ahh yes, of course, Bakugou had to come into class. Todoroki admired Bakugou's strength but he hated the way he treated you. He'd bully you constantly, and from what he's heard Bakugou's been bullying you since middle school. It enraged him. "What's up bitch." Bakugou said as he walked over to your desk. Your entire face went to neutral pissed. "What the hell do you want Bakugou?" Your voice screamed that you were done with everything.

He never answered, just sat on the desk behind yours and started messing with your hair. "Stop it. Or you'll regret it." You spoke, but he didn't listen. "Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try!" You were about to punch this dude square in the face if Todoroki didn't step in. "Bakugou. Leave them alone." He said in his usual monotone voice, grabbing Bakugou's arm and moving it away from your hair. "What the hell are you gonna do?! You wanna fight me Icy-hot?!" You heard Bakugou yell. Sighing, you threw your head on the desk. "Maybe I do." Todoroki spoke again. 'Oop—' you thought. 'Are they really about to start fighting? They've been at this for weeks.' You asked yourself, before you heard Aizawa's voice telling them to stop. 'Damn it Aizawa, That fight would've been priceless.'

愛: Bakugou x Reader [OneShots]Where stories live. Discover now