"Don't worry, Lu. We'll think of something." Peter attempted to reassure her.

"Why?" I asked. "I mean, he's a criminal."

Y/n glared at me while the others pondered my words. I was about to ask her about the glare but a sudden chirp cut me off. It sounded an awful lot like a 'psst'.

The five of us looked out the window to see a bird sitting on a branch. "Did that bird just "psst" us?" Susan asked, surprised.

Peter looked at her then led the way out of the house, Y/n and the others close on his tail. I reluctantly followed them and when we emerged into the blinding winter landscape I watched as the bird took off from the branch. Well obviously I would, it's a bird. A tiny, scared, helpless, non-speaking bird. Suddenly a branch snapped from behind the trees and a series of rustling came right after. We continued slowly walking forward as more rustles and snapping sounded from the bushes. Lucy and Susan cowered behind Peter and clutched his coat sleeve as if that would protect them. Y/n was walking beside me now but didn't seem to be aware of it since she was preoccupied with the unknown creature behind the bushes. A sudden, loud crunch made her jump and grab my wrist.

I looked at her and she quickly snatched her hand away, "Sorry," she whispered.

I shook it off and we stepped closer to my siblings who had stopped as the sounds got closer. We could all pinpoint its location now, right behind a large, snow-covered rock. The thing was coming closer and closer and it was about to come out from the rock. I tensed, ready to run back if I needed to but there was definitely no need to, as a small, brown, furry creature walked out from its hiding place.

"It... It's a beaver." Lucy said what we were all thinking.

The furry creature slowly walked up to us, and Peter outstretched his hand to beckon it closer. "Here, boy." He clicked his tongue.

Peter held his hand close to the beaver's face, waiting for it to come forward. The beaver stared at it for a moment.

"I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want." It said.

I gasped and Peter yanked his hand back. Susan's eyes widened and I thought her brain might explode. I turned to Y/n and saw she wasn't surprised, neither was Lucy. The younger girl chuckled at her siblings' responses.

"Sorry," Peter apologized awkwardly.

The beaver ignored him and looked at Lucy, "Lucy Pevensie?" Lucy stopped laughing and stepped closer. The beaver then looked at Y/n, "And Y/n L/n?" The girl nodded and walked from beside me to stand next to Lucy.

Beaver held out a handkerchief to Lucy, she took it from his small paw and looked at it. "Hey, that's the hankie I gave to Mr. Tum-"

"Tumnus. He got it to me just before they took him."

"Is he all right?"

Beaver looked side to side, checking for any peeping eyes. "Further in." He motioned for them to follow him and scurried towards the trees. Y/n, Lucy, and Peter began to trail after him when Susan surged forward and grabbed Peter's shoulder.

"What are you doing?" She scolded.

I quickly walked up next to her. "She's right. How do we know we can trust him?"

Peter looked between us then shrugged. "He said he knows the faun."

Susan looked at him incredulously, "He's a beaver. He shouldn't be saying anything!"

Just then, Beaver popped his head up from behind the large rock. "Everything all right?"

Peter whirled around. "Yes. We were just talking."

"That's better left for safer quarters." He whispered and disappeared behind the rock again.

Y/n looked up at the tall trees looming overhead, "He means the trees."

Susan and I shared a look of confusion. Peter sighed and turned around with Y/n and Lucy to follow Beaver. I grumbled under my breath and started to walk after them, looking up from time to time at the trees, trying to understand what Y/n meant.


We were all shuffling through the deep snow to follow Beaver to his home. Well, the Pevensies and I were shuffling, Beaver's body was light enough that he could walk on top of the snow without making such deep tracks. I envied him, my shoes and coat were soaked with melted snow.

"Come on. We don't want to be caught out here after nightfall." Beaver ushered us to walk faster.

I grinned at the impatient beaver. He may be annoying but it was kind of fun having him around. He led us between massive cliffs that we were forced to squeeze through in a single file. I was pushed behind Edmund and in front of Susan. As we were walking I kept my eyes on Edmund's figure. I was still trying to figure out why he lied about being in Narnia, and why he kept looking at the mountains so longingly. He definitely knew something important. I felt as if he were an important piece to a bigger puzzle but I just couldn't figure out why.

When we emerged from the dark crack between the cliffs Beaver suddenly shouted happily.

"Ah, blimey! Looks like the old girl has got the kettle on.Nice cup o' Rosy Lee." I looked down at the small dam hut that was obviously Beaver's home.

"It's lovely," I complimented.

"Oh, it's merely a trifle." He chuckled. "Still plenty to do. Ain't quite finished yet."

He began to lead the way down the hill towards the hut. "It'll look the business when it is, though."

When we reached the bottom a female voice rang out from the hut. "Beaver, is that you?" I watched as a female beaver emerged from the branches that made up the home. Oh my, now I have to call them Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. "I've been worried sick! If I find you've been out with Badger again, I-"

She saw us. "Oh!" Her tiny paws rose to cover her mouth. "Well, those aren't badgers."

I smiled bashfully as she waddled closer to us. "Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day." She started to smooth down her fur and glared at Mr. Beaver, "You couldn't give me a ten minutes warning?"

"I'd have given a week if I thought it would've helped." he laughed and we all joined.

"Oh, come inside, and we'll see if we can get you some food," she glared again at Mr. Beaver as she passed him on her way into the hut. "And some civilized company."

Mr. Beaver chuckled, "Now, careful. Watch your step."

Susan and Lucy went inside, followed quickly by Peter. I was still outside behind Edmund, who had just stopped in front of the door. I was about to ask him to move when I noticed he was staring off into the distance. I followed his gaze to the same snowy mountains as before and frowned, he was planning something.

"Enjoyin' the scenery, are we?" Mr. Beaver interrupted our staring. I looked at Edmund for answers but he just shook his head and ducked into the house. I stood there and gave Mr. Beaver a quizzical look before ducking my head and entering the small home.

-Yayyy chapter 6! I've been daydreaming about ideas for the next book and I keep reminding myself that I have to write the first book before I can think about the second but I'm just too excitedddd. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a little boring but it's about to get pretty interesting sooo ya. Sorry about any mistakes!-


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