Shigaraki- Of course I havent forgotten.

Kou- Good. Next time....Watch your tongue.

I shivered a bit at the malice that came from those words.

Shigaraki- Y-Yes of course.

Overhaul- So All for One had a daughter.

Kou- Is that so surprising? Your probably thinking of how such a cold blooded man could raise a child.

Overhaul- So what is your name?

Kou- Ahh yes I believe I havent introduced myself yet. My name is Kou.

Shigaraki- You came here to join us, didnt you?

Overhaul- If you dont give me a plan then the goal is like a delusion. If you present me with a delusion then how am I supposed to react? What are you going to do after you increase your forces? How do you plan to manage them in the first place? What kind of organizational chart are you trying to create? Starting with Hero Killer: Stain, there was also Muscular and Moonfish. They were all first- class game pieces, but you lost them right away, didnt you? Did you not understand how to use them? You can't even manage ten or so crazy people, and your talking about increasing your forces?

Kou- And who said that Muscular and Moonfish werent sacrificial pawns to begin with.

Overhaul- You sacrificed your own people huh?

Kou- Well those two were a bit on the wild side. They werent the type of people who took orders, so I gave the command and they got eliminated. Its as simple as that.

Overhaul- So the villainous blood runs in the family.

Kou- I guess you could say that.

Overhaul- And how is this suppose to win me over.

Kou- Oh I assure you it's not. You could leave here whenever you want but the answer you provide depends if you'll get out of here alive or not.

Overhaul- Oh so know your threatening me, interesting.

Kou- What can I say? Im just a charming person am I not?

Overhaul- Well I have a plan. I didnt come here today because I wanted to join you.

Shigaraki- Twice, dont bring people before checking their intent.

Overhaul- In order to execute my plan, I need a lot of money. There isn't really anyone willing to invest in some obsolete small-time yakuza. But it'd be different if I had you guys, with your increasing name recognition. Put yourselves under me. I'll show you how well I can use you. And then, i'll become the next leader.

Kou then chuckled looking amused.

Kou- Oh really?

Shigaraki- Go home.

Magne- Sorry, yakuza boy, we didnt come together to be under someone.

The idiot then attacked me but I took off my glove and deconstructed his body killing him in the process.

Overhaul- You all made the first move.

The guy with the top hat then came to attack me.

Mr. Compress- I'll use my quirk to seal him away.

Suddenly a bullet flew into his arm and I took the opportunity to deconstruct his arm. Suddenly Shigaraki himself came to attack me but one of my body guards stood in front of me and took the hit.

Shigaraki- Know I understand. If you'd started with that, it would've been a lot easier to understand what you wanted.

All of my comrades from the Yakuza busted through the wall announcing their prescence.

My Hero Academia: All Might's Little Sister (OC X Todoroki)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt