Smoldering Flames

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Seeing as Chisaki was captured and being sent to prison, we decided to pay him a little visit on his way. All the cars were crashed leaving only Chisaki strapped to a bed. It was time to return a favor.

Shigaraki- You know what, Overhaul? A person who erases people's Quirks shouldn't depend on their own Quirk, right?

A fearful expression adorned Chisaki as Tomura began to disintegrate both of Chisaki's arms. Though, I knew full well it wasn't because of the pain, nor the want to keep his hands in tact. Actually, it was for a disgustingly sentimental reason, one that gives me much pleasure in breaking.

Kou- The fruits of all that effort you spent are now mine.

Shigaraki- Know you won't have a finger to  put in your mouth as you look on enviously at the rest of us. 

Kou- There's no need to be so sad. Who cares if the previous leader of the Hassaikai awakens or not. Though, it's doubtful he ever will. I mean you did use your quirk on him, the quirk you've lost control over.

I got closer to his fearful face as a dark look overturned me.

Kou- Bold of you to march into our hideout to spout your pretentious nonsense. You fail to understand something, I will always be many steps ahead of you. The things I do are of no concern to you and your little rag tag group. Not to mention you got incarcerated by a 16-year-old high school girl. Rio Yagi... The name I've grown to hate since I was a child. Your name has been tarnished in the worst possible way. But in the end...disposable garbage like you...deserves to be discarded.

Chisaki started wailing as we all walked away leaving a trail of destruction in our wake. Incompetent fools like him deserve to burn in the worst possible way.



TV- Kai Chisaki, arrested for the abduction and confinement of a young boy and girl, is the young head of the designated villain group, Shie Hassaikai. As police were transporting him, they were attacked by the League of Villains. During this incident, Sand Hero: Snatch, who was there as backup for the escort, was killed.

My eyes widened as I looked at the shocking news being presented on the TV.

TV- There were also a number of police officers injured. This attack on a villain in transport is an unprecedented failure...

Recovery Girl- This is all they've been reporting on since yesterday.

Aizawa- It isn't something you should feel responsible for. You don't have to worry about it.

I turned over to Aizawa with a cold gaze and an even colder tone.

Rio- But...

Aizawa- For now, the students are to return to school. They want to monitor Togata a little longer, but the other students have already been completely healed by Recovery Girl. They should be here soon.

Rio- I understand.

Aizawa- One more thing, I know that what your going through now is hard, but don't subject your friends to it. 

I scoffed as Recovery Girl looked at me sadly. I know they were worried, but they should use their intellect a bit more.

Rio- I know that. I'm not as incompetent as you may think I am. 

The death of Uncle still weighed on me. It felt so heavy empty. Like a heavy void had filled me. And in my current state I had forgotten.....I asked myself questions like, "How did I usually act around them before?" or, "Did I laugh when they talked about this." I had completely forgotten what it was to be myself, or to word it better, a completely new part of me came to the light, drowning the old me. I had finally learned what true sadness was, what true loneliness felt like. At that time, I had momentarily lost my way.

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