An Unpleasant Talk

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Nighteye POV 

Bubble Girl- The meeting between all the agencies we want to ally with will be soon do you need to make more preparations or is everything ready?

Nighteye- There's one more preparation but I can take of it myself.

Bubble Girl- Ok then! I'm out to do patrol!

'Its time I called her.'

I grabbed my phone and dialed a number. And then it started ringing when the person on the other side answered.

Rene- Banshee Agency.

Nighteye- It's me Rene.

Rene- That voice. Is it you Mirai?

Nighteye- Yes, its me.

Rene- How odd for you to call. And besides how did you manage to call me? Im all the way in America.

Nighteye- Pro heroes have their perks.

Rene- Yea I should've guessed. Anyways why did you call? 

Nighteye- Here in Japan we are having a meeting with other agencies about a Yakuza group and what actions we are going to take. I would really like for you to be part of this because of your experience in dealing with these types of villains.

Rene- First off, I'm in America, very far away from Japan. And second, what's in it for me?

Nighteye- She will be there.

Rene- What why?! She's only a first year.

Nighteye- Due to safety reasons and precaution, First Years are partaking in Work Studies.

Rene- But still its a long way. Would I even make it there in time?

Nighteye- It's in two days. So if you leave now you might make it in time.

Rene- Wouldn't it be bad for Japan to take aide from America?

Nighteye- The government is looking at it as a way of showing how we are at peace.

Rene- Whatever you say. My agency is pretty capable on it's own so I'll go. See you in two days, Nighteye.

Nighteye- See you, Banshee.

I then hung up the phone.

Nighteye- Well that takes care of that.


~Two days later~


I was walking out with Deku this morning since we were finally called in to the agency.

Kirishima- Midoriya, Rio, morning! You guys are going to your work study today, too? What a coincidence.

Midoriya- They haven't called us in for a while, so it's like I'm finally going in again. We were told we didn't need our costumes, though....

Rio- Yea that's kinda strange.

Uraraka- Morning! You three going in today?

Midoriya- Yeah.

Asui- What a coincidence. We are, too.


Pro hero- Oh, are you going to the station? If you want, we can accompany you.

Uraraka- Oh, if that's all right with you!

Midoriya- Thank you!

Kirishima- There are a lot of heroes.

My Hero Academia: All Might's Little Sister (OC X Todoroki)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu