The Scoop on UA Class 1-A

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'About 80% of the worlds population is born with some kind of special trait, a Quirk, in this superhuman society. To fight against villains using their quirks to commit crimes, the profession of "Hero" was created. I Rio Yagi was enrolled into into the prestigious school, UA High School as I continue to run towards my dream. With my friends who are working towards the same goal, we stand up to any difficulties with a order to become the greatest heroes! That's right, this is....My Hero Academia!'


Tokuda POV

Man 1- All Might! I cant believe this is his last fight...

Editor in chief- Don't just stare at that. Get your files together!

Man 1- Yes, ma'am! "Juko News" Hero name: All Might. He became partners with the genius, David Shield, and came into the limelight at the world level. After returning to Japan with his newborn sister, he started his own agency, and as the immovable number one hero and Symbol of Peace--

Editor in Chief- No, no! No one'll buy our newspaper with a bland article like that! We need a scoop the like of which have never been seen before! We're already the last ones to put out a special issue on All Might's retirement...

Man 2- All Of All Might's acquaintances are tight-lipped...

Editor in Chief- It's your job to do something about that. Have you tried interviewing All Might's sister.

Man 2- Well not really. Now that she lives in the dorms we would need to get access to UA.

Editor in Chief- Well why haven't you asked me about that! Anyway, what do you have on the last villain All Might fought?

Man 2- The police are treating that as super top-secret information. All I know is that he's the mastermind behind the League of Villains--

Editor in Chief- You can't just wait for stories to fall into your lap! You have to go after them!

Tokuda- Oh, dear... The editor in chief doesn't look good when she's mad. You're so pretty, it's a waste.

Editor in Chief- Oh, Tane! Long time no see.

Tokuda- Editor in Chief... I've got a good story...


All Might- Next, its your turn.

Tokuda- What do you think these words mean?

Editor in Chief- I defeated the mastermind. You're next. In other words, its a warning to other villains, right?

Tokuda- Don't you think the way he said it was too nice for it to be that? " I'll get you bastards next!" He could've said something like that.

Editor in Chief- What are you trying to say?

Tokuda- Four months ago, when All Might suddenly became a teacher at UA High School, he was nearing his limit as a hero. And the message he left was "Next, its your turn."

Editor in Chief- Does that mean...?

Tokuda- That's right. All Might is looking for someone in the next generation to take his place among the students at UA. No, looking at his last words, he's already decided on who that is. And judging on the fact that he raised both hands pointing in two different directions, we can conclude that he has chosen two students.

Editor in Chief- And you already have an idea of who they are, don't you?

Tokuda-For sure All Might's little sister has to be one but who is the other. And that's when I started thinking. At first, I thought it'd be one of UA's Big Three , the Third Year, Togata. He also regularly visits the agency run by Sir Nighteye, All Might's former sidekick.

My Hero Academia: All Might's Little Sister (OC X Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now