Roaring Upheaval

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Rio- Kota.....Your safe now..

Midoriya- There's still something we must do.

Kota- You both are all beat up! What do you still have to do?

Midoriya- We knew that he would defend against it.....

Rio- But thats also why we had to attack.

Kota- Huh?

Midoriya- Even taking that into consideration, I thought we could inflict a lot of damage. But he's a much stronger villain than we thought he was.

Rio- If all the villains from this night attack are this strong, then everyone is in danger. On top of that, they might be after us students. 

Midoriya- We have to let Mr. Aizawa and the Pussycats know about that.

Rio- We'll leave this villain here for now. He wont be getting up soon. Above all, we need to protect you..

Kota- Huh?

Midoriya- Theres something that only you can do.. The forest has been set on fire. With that, we'd be traped no matter what. Do you understand?

Rio- We need that quirk of yours. Save everyone the way you saved us earlier.

Midoriya- Now, get on my back! We need to get you back to camp first.

Kota- You guys can move with those injuries?

Midoriya- Its fine! Lets go hang on tight!

We leaped of the mountain.....


Midoriya- We're almost there!

Kota- Hey,look!

Rio- Mr. Aizawa!

Aizawa- Midoriya... Rio..

Rio- Mr. Aizawa.... Im glad.... Its terrible we have tins of things to tell you.

Aizawa- Hey..

Midoriya- First, there's something we need to tell Mandalay.....

Aizawa- I said Hey..

Midoriya- Please take care of Kota!

We then ran off.

Aizawa- Wait! Those injuries...You guys did it again... Did you forget what happend in Hosu?

Midoriya- Well.

Aizawa- So tell Mandalay this...


Mandalay was about to get slashed at with a sword but Midoriya destroyed it. Tiger was about to get punched but I put a wall in front of him and the villain.

Midoriya- Mandalay!

Rio- Kota's okay! And here's a message from Mr. Aizawa! Tell everyone with Telepath! Everyone in Class A and Class B! In the name of the pro hero, Eraser Head, you are granted permission to engage in combat!

Mandalay- Everyone in Class and Class B!In the name of the pro hero, Eraser Head, you are granted permission to engage in combat! I repeat.Everyone in Class A and Class B! In the name of the pro hero, Eraser Head, you are granted permission to engage in combat! Ok now you guys get to camp imediately! Those arent normal injuries!!

 Midoriya- No...Please tell everyone one more thing! The villains....At least one of their targets is.... They're after Kacchan! Please tell everyone with Telepath!

After telling Mandalay we ran off.


Kacchan and Shouto started second in the test of courage. If they haven't moved from there then they shouldn't be far. A hand made out of shadow just came out and tried attacking us. Somehow someone saved us..

My Hero Academia: All Might's Little Sister (OC X Todoroki)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat