Anatoly placed the attaché case on the table, then opened it and took out various documents, which he then presented to Father. He returned to his seat as Father began looking through the various assembled papers.

"Everything seems to be in order," Father said, "All very tidy. Thank you for your consideration, Vladimir."

"Think nothing of it. As I have said, it is customary. We do not wish any slight to the House of Portland."

"That is very kind of you, however, I must insist on asking what the purpose of this visit is. Are you here on business, or pleasure?

"Business, primarily."

"And what kind of business is this?"

"Imports and exports. Bringing items in and out of Portland, for Portland is a well-known market destination for our wares."

"And what wares are those?"


Father glanced back at Elizabeth. She did not betray any emotion, but only returned Father's glance. "I see. Or, at least, I think I see."

"For years we have been exporting young women from Russia to various ports through out the world. We have expanded our efforts, and now wish to act as exporters of women from other parts of the world to paying customers world wide."

"Ah, globalization."

"Correct. We are interested in a globalized market, primarily for young women, but we have dealt with young men as well. Whatever our clientele requests."

"And this is primarily for sexual services?"

"Primarily, yes. A significant portion of our business caters to the sexual needs of our clients. Whether it is prostitution, or other forms of sexual slavery, we are able to supply whatever a particular client desires. And, of course, a certain percentage of our product is reserved for vampiric markets for use as blood whores."

"And I take it this market is substantial?"

"Quite. As such, the revenues are substantial, as well."

"And what is the general attitude of the Council of Elders regarding this enterprise?"

"If you examine the papers we have provided, you will see that the Council has given their approval to our operation, as has the House of Saint Petersburg in Russia. In fact, I can provide documents from several other vampiric Houses across the globe stating their approval, and testimonials from a few Houses which have actively partnered with us."


"Yes, which brings us to another of the reasons we have decided to present ourselves to the House of Portland. Other vampiric Houses in other parts of the world have found that a partnership with our organization is much to their benefit. They allow us a certain amount of leeway, providing us with certain protections, and we allow them a percentage of the income derived in their city. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement."

"And what percentage would you be willing to share with the Portland House?"

"Upwards of a full quarter of all proceeds derived locally. Of course, the exact percentage is negotiable, but we are confident that you will find one quarter of our earnings to make a reasonably substantial sum."

Father drummed his fingers on the table. "Hmm. I must say this is a very tempting offer. We are always interested in potential sources of income, as well as new sources for food. If the Council has approved of your operation, then I see nothing that would prevent us from partnering with you. However, I will have to confer with the local council. There are certain conventions that must be observed, I hope you understand."

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