The New Teacher

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Poppy and I were playing a game of chess, while Andrea and Tony were being all lovey dovey, when suddenly the train came to a stop, and the lights went out.

"Are we already at Hogwarts?"Andrea asked.

"Can't"I said, peering outside our window, "The sun isn't close to setting yet"

The windows were suddenly fogging up, and a chill passed through my spine.

"What the bloody hell is going on?"Poppy asked, coming to my side to look outside. I heard Andrea scream from behind me, and turned around and gasped. In front of me was a Dementor, just like the ones I saw every time I went to visit Dad in Azkaban. The room was suddenly very chilly, and I felt like everything that I had to look forward to, when going back to Hogwarts, was gone. Suddenly, it seems, the worst memory possible came into my head.

I was around 5 years old, and walking with my dad down a muggle street. I had just learnt that uncle James and aunt Lily has been killed by the evil people, and daddy said he was going to go and kill one of the evil people, because he gave the location of uncle James and aunt Lily's whereabouts. We turned down an alley, and I saw Peter Pettigrew, looking very scared.

"Peter!"Daddy yelled, one hand tightly holding mine, while the other having his wand brandished.

"Sirius! I can't believe what you've done! You gave away Lily and James' whereabouts! You killed them!"Peter yelled.

"What is he talking about daddy?"I asked, confused.

"He's talking nonsense, now stay back Max" daddy said, and I took a step back, and looked back to see muggles staring to stare at us, "Are you kidding me Peter? We all know you were the one to betray all of us, and work for The Dark Lord! You are filthy, and disgusting, and I'm going to make sure you spend the rest of your days in Azkaban!"

Much to my surprise, Pettigrew smiled, brandished his want and suddenly, there was an explosion. I felt myself being propelled backward and land on my back on the concrete. I started crying and wailing.

"Daddy!"I yelled, and I saw a rat scurry past me. I saw my dad laughing, before racing towards me.

"Are you ok Max? Where did he hurt you"he asked kindly, picking me up.

"Everywhere"I sniffled. I looked around and started to cry more. There were bodies lying around us.

"Daddy, why did he kill all these people?"I wailed.

"Hush, darling, it's going to be ok"he said, before starting to laugh again, "he killed all those people to frame me. We need to leave. Now" We were just about to go, when there was a blast of lights, and many wizards had appeared around us.

"Sirius Black, put your wand and that little girl down!"screamed one of the wizards.

"She's my daughter!"Daddy yelled. I was then forcefully taken out of my dad's arms.

"Daddy!"I yelled, fighting the man holding me, elbowing him in the nose, making him grunt in pain and drop me. I ran to my dad, who held on to me, and whispered: "Whatever happens Max, you need to know that I am innocent, you saw everything. Take care of mommy and be a good little girl. I love you so much Max"

"I love you too daddy"I replied, and he gave me one last tearful smile and a kiss on the cheek, before letting himself be taken away by authorities. The tears continued flowing like waterfalls down my cheeks, and all the anger and desperation inside of me was building up.

"You're Maxine Black right? Let's go, your mum's waiting for you"said an old wizard, and he took my hand.

"Let me go!"I yelled, and all the anger and desperation finally let out and as I screamed, he was propelled back from me, landing a couple meters away from me.

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