Wheels on the Bus//Virgil

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Virgil bit his lip as he put his headphones on and went downstairs to make himself some coffee. It was a bit early in the Mindscape, so Virgil was sure that the others were still sleeping. He quietly got himself a cup of coffee from the some that was left over before he made quietly made a fresh batch for the others. He then settled himself on the couch by the window. It was quiet and peaceful; until Patton and Logan came downstairs. Virgil didn't have his music too loud, so he could faintly hear the Parental side nagging off Logic's ear about staying up too late and not getting enough sleep. This was normal, but Virgil could sense that Patton was done with Logan not getting enough sleep.

"Patton, I assure you, I'm perfectly capable of-!"

"You said that too many times before, Logan!" Patton cut him off. "And each time, it's lead to misunderstood schedules and mixed messages that Thomas isn't able to understand."

"Indeed, I can agree to that, but Thomas has turned out fine in the end-"

"Cause one of us intervenes before it gets out of hand! But that's not the point! The point is that it's a CONTINUOUS cycle!"

'I'm just looking out the window and it's cold outside
There are two boys yelling behind me and I'm terrified'

At this point, Virgil couldn't listen anymore and he was sure that Roman was awake from all the yelling. He got up and put his now empty cup of coffee in the sink before he went upstairs. He gently knocked on Roman's door. It didn't take long for Roman to appear, still clad in pajamas - but awake nonetheless. "Hey.." Virgil gave a small smile. "Hey, you okay?" Roman asked. Virgil bit his lip and shook his head. "Logan pulled an all-nighter again, he and Patton are yelling. Can I take a walk in Imagination for a bit?" Roman nodded and let the fellow side in before summoning his door to the imagination. "Just send me a text whenever you come back, yea?" Virgil nodded. "Thanks, Princey." Roman nodded and watched as Virgil walked into the Imagination.

'Counting trees as they pass me by'

Virgil felt a lot calmer as he walked through Roman's side of the Imagination, taking in the clear sky, the birds and nature. It was a little chilly but, that was to be expected with it being early spring. He lost track of time, and before he knew it, it was evening by the time he got back to the Mindscape. He sent a text to Roman and received back, 'Patton, Logan and I are out getting food with Thomas. We'll be back in a few minuets'. Virgil shrugged and went downstairs to see if there was food in the fridge from earlier. He bit his lip and froze slightly when he saw Emile Picani and Remy in the living room trying to be 'discreet' about what they were doing on the couch while watching some medical show that Virgil could've cared less about.

'And I'm trying not to look across the aisle
'Cause Maya's letting Dan put his hand up her skirt
And she's got her hand down his pants'

Virgil quickly made his way to the kitchen, but was stopped when he heard the others come home. "We brought food!" Patton cheered as they came into the kitchen. Virgil smiled softly at them and helped bring in any other things they may have gotten. He then helped Roman set the table. "Remy! You and Emile hungry??" Patton asked the two couch occupants. Virgil saw Emile turn his head out of the corner of his eye, a bright blush on his face. "N-No thanks, Patton." "Thanks for the offer though, gurl~!" Remy replied with his usual sass.

'I know the driver sees it, I know he's peeking in the rear-view mirror. He says nothing'

Virgil was sure the others knew what the bubbly Therapist and sassy Coffee-holic were doing in the living room, he could see the glances Logan and Patton were giving towards the two and then each other. No one said anything and dinner was quiet.

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