"I'll be downstairs", I leave her to get ready.

As I'm approaching the living room, I hear Romeo talking to Rafael. "I'm not going to work today".

"Why?" Rafael questions.

"Just because", Romeos voice goes slightly higher.

"Hi", I say as I walk in, sitting on the empty couch to the left. "Brooke's getting ready", just as I say that, she comes running into the room, jumping on Rafael.

"Hey bunny", he greets her. "You're shirt is inside out", Brooke immediately points to me.

"Hey! When I picked that out it was not like that", I playfully gasp. She giggles, hiding her head in her dads shoulder.

"Shall we go?" Raf asks Brooke; she shakes her head, running over to me.

"I wanna stay", she mumbles as I pick her up, placing her on my lap.

"We have to go back home, bunny", cute nickname.

"Why?" She drawls.

"Because", Rafael mimics her.

"I'm not going", she grips my hoodie, hiding her face in my shoulder.

"Um, how about—", I look between Raf and Brooke. "How about you come over tomorrow, and we can go and get some ice cream?" She looks up at me, slowly.

"And can we go to the park?"

"Uh, sure", I smile. "Oh, is—is that alright with you?" I ask Rafael.

"It is the weekend, and if that means she'll come home then yeah", he answers.

"Yay!" Brooke squeals. "See you tomorrow", she hugs me before getting off the couch.

"What about me?" Romeo pouts. "Does your favourite uncle not get a hug?" He holds his arms out.

"You're not my favourite", her already high voice goes even higher.

"I'm your only uncle".

"No", she drawls. "Max is my uncle too".

"He's not your real uncle", Romeo retorts, narrowing his eyes.

"Still counts. But—", she pauses. "He said he was coming to see me and he didn't so, you're my favourite again", she says, giving him a hug before leaving with Rafael.

"So, why aren't you going to work today?" I ask.

"We", he pauses, pointing between the two of us. "Are going out".

"Where?" I question. "And why?"

"We are going to play games because, if I recall correctly, you said you will beat me someday", his eyes filled with amusement.

"What games?" My eyebrows scrunch together.

"Things like paintballing, go karting, golf, laser tag, soccer etcetera. There's a lot so, let's go", he holds a hand out for me to take.

Fake love ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz