Part Thirty-Five

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Hazel wakes up on a hard bed and she rubs her painful back. When she opens her eyes she sees Mason laying next to her, on another hard bed. He is asleep. In the hallway, she can hear footsteps approaching. With great difficulty, she tries to get up.

''Miss, are you awake?'', a voice says.

When the light the man's face, she sees it is officer Northon, the one she saw earlier this night.

''I am, where am I?''

''Can I call you Hazel?''

'''Do as you please officer'', she tries to sound nice.

''Well, Hazel, you are at the police station and more specifically in a cell.''

''What? Why?'', she rubs her head. The last couple of hours have been a completely blank space in her head. Hazel doesn't remember anything.

''Because your friend had to punch someone at the club you two were in. The boy is currently in hospital, he is okay but we can't just let you go.''

''But I didn't do anything!''

''Hazel, you were drunk too and you're not over the legal age.''

''But I didn't-''

''You two have to stay here this night and if we can get in contact with your parents, we will release you.''

''Don't call my mother!''

The officer walks away and Hazel bursts out in tears. Mason woke up when he heard all the noise in the cell.

''Hey, why are you crying?'', he asks.

''What the fuck, Mason? Why would I be crying? Because I am in fucking jail maybe? They are going to call my mother, she is not going to forgive me. She made a rule Mason, no alcohol! How could I be drunk? I had nothing to drink.''


''It was you! You put alcohol in my drink, you son of a-''

''Calm down, okay maybe I did but it was only to calm you down. I didn't know the cops were going to show up.''

''They didn't just show up, you idiot! You punched a kid knockout, they had to call the cops on you. Now I am here because of you.''

''Hey! He was insulting you, I could not just let that happen. I care for you.''

''You don't fucking care for me at all. I am in prison, Mason, because of you!''

''That is not true, I do care for you.''

''Well, I don't care. Don't talk to me ever again!'', she shouts.

''You're not thinking straight. I'll get us out of here.''

Hazel doesn't respond. How was she so stupid to think Mason really cared for her? He only thinks about himself. That girl wasn't even his cousin probably. It was presumably just a girl he would share a few kisses with because he clearly doesn't care about her feelings.

''Babe, listen to me. I am sorry, how can I make it up to you?''

''You drugged me!''

''I didn't, there were no drugs in your drink! I just asked the bartender to put a little bit of alcohol in your drink, to calm you down. I was scared that I had lost you forever when you were mad at me.''

''I don't care what you were scared of. What you did was wrong, Mason grow up. You can't just let people drink alcohol just because you feel like it. I have never drunk alcohol in my life, I could have died.''

''Now you're exaggerating, you don't die because of one glass of alcohol. Besides, you only had a few drops. It was no big deal.''

''Then why can't I remember a single thing?''

''I don't know.''

''Ah! Of course, you don't know.''

''Don't be angry with me, please.''

''That is a little too late, don't you think?''



She falls back onto her hard bed, her back immediately starts hurting again. Hazel lifts up her t-shirt a little bit when she sees all the bruises on her stomach and hips. There are bruises on her legs and arms too, Hazel has no idea where they are from. Maybe the officers dragged her very firmly.

''You have every right to be mad at me. It was wrong of me to put alcohol in your drink. It was also wrong of me to punch that kid, but I wasn't going to let him speak badly about you. After you forgave me I just felt like I had to show you how much I loved you. I thought that this was a way of protecting you. I am sorry, Hazel.''

''Please, Hazel'', he says after a couple of minutes when she doesn't respond.

''Just go to sleep.''

''If that is what you want.''

''Shut up.''

Hazel hears him getting comfortable on his bed. Tears stream down her face, how did she end up in jail? Was falling in love with him the biggest mistake ever? All she wants right now is to be with her mother.

The tears keep coming and eventually, she cries herself to sleep.

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