Part Fifteen

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She reads the text message she got.

'Hey newbie! Guess who it is?'

Well, that's not a tough question . No one calls her newbie besides Mason.

'I would be shocked if it wasn't Mason', she replies.


'What do you want?'

'Still upset huh?'

'What do you want Mason?'

'I wanted to ask if you are doing a little better now. I realized I acted really mean and I should have looked at the situation from your point of view.'


'So, how are you?'

'I am fine.'

'You're obviously not. Should I come over?'

'I just saw you three hours ago and besides that, it is past midnight.'

'It doesn't matter. If you want me to come, I'll be there in a few minutes.'

'No, please stay where you are Mason.'

'If you insist newbie.'

'I insist.'

'I had a lot of fun today!'

'You already told me that.'

'Because I mean it.'

'I bet.'

'I don't know what your problem is newbie. It took me a very long time to get your number. I put a lot of effort in that. Then I finally text you and this is what responses I get.'

'How did you even get my number?'

'I asked Rebecca. You told me you guys were getting along.'

Hazel heart starts beating faster and faster. He asked Rebecca for her number, how weird does that look? Especially after she saw them together at school. Hazel had told her first lie to her then.

'Are you still here newbie? You guys are getting close, right? She had your number anyways, so I guess it doesn't really matter.'

'I am here. What did she reply?'

'She asked what it was for.'

'And what did you say?'

'I told her that I was trying to chat with my girlfriend.'

'No! You didn't!'

'I didn't, I was joking around newbie. Easy.'

Hazel sighs deeply.

'That's a relieve then. What did you really say to her?'

'I said that I had to give you extra work for Biology, because the teacher didn't have your e-mail.'

'I'm very glad you didn't tell the truth.'

'Why? What's up with the truth? Why are you so scared Hazel?'

'I don't know if I should tell you.'

'Do it.'

'Well, Rebecca likes you.'


'Like crushing on you. She likes you Mason.'

'Oh, but I don't like her.'

'That's the whole point. I feel bad if I go out with you, because it feels like I'm betraying her.'

'Ah, I get it.'


'That's a tough situation, but you can be friends with who you want, am I right?'

'I guess so.'

'Then do that.'

'But when you said you had other intentions I freaked out, because it wasn't fair to her.'

'I'm sorry then for putting you in that position.'

'I do want to know you better Mason, but not in public.'

'Sad hour.'

'Mason, I am serious. I don't want to hurt Rebecca.'

'I get it. Lets get to know each other then, in private.'

'In private', she repeats.

'I am glad that you are less mad at me.'

'I see you tomorrow Mason.'

'Sleep well newbie.'

'Good night.'

With a smile on her face she shuts down her phone.

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