Part Twenty-Three

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It is past midnight, the weather turned dark and it started to rain a couple of minutes ago. Her bed is filled with pillows and a blanket. She knows he is on his way, so she already picked a movie to watch together. It feels weird knowing he's coming back, because she just saw him a couple of hours ago. She's oddly excited about the fact that he is about to turn up on her driveway. Hazel took a quick shower half an hour ago and she put her nicest pajamas on, she wants to impress him but not overdo it. It wouldn't been very credible if she was all dressed up with a full face of make-up. He would maybe think that she is frumpy.

Her phone buzzes in her hand. Hazel had to turn the sound off because she doesn't want her mom to wake up. Her mother can absolutely not know that Mason came back to their house past midnight. She might not let the two of them go on their holiday anymore, because maybe she would finds this sneaky.

'Almost there. Five minutes.'

Five minutes before parking his car in their driveway. What will he think of her idea to watch a movie? What will he be wearing? She hopes he dressed himself well, he basically always does so that's not something to worry about. Hazel is just overthinking, because she's getting nervous.

She hears a soft ticking sound coming from her window. When she looks through the window she sees Mason with a few pebbles in his hand. First she waves to him and then Hazel opens the window so he can enter her room.

'How are you going to get up here?'

'Let me figure it out.'

He looks for little gaps in the wall, where he could put his foot so he could climb his way up. His hand holds on to the bricks firmly.

'This is stupid-'

As soon as she starts her sentence he slips away. With a bang he lands on the floor, it wasn't a long fall but it may leave some bruises on his back.

'Are you okay Mason?'

'I'm totally fine', he laughs.

His muscular arms push off the ground so that he stands upright again. With his hands he wipes off the dirt that got on his shirt because of the fall. Mason looks up to her and smiles.

'Time to try again.'

'No! You might fall again. I don't want you to get bruises.'

'It's too late for that now', he smirks.

'Come on, I'll open the door for you, but you have to be very quiet. I don't want to wake my mother.'

'You open the door? You could have said that was a option earlier, newbie.'

'Whatever, just come to the porch', she rolls with her eyes when she sees his smirk.

Hazel sneakily goes downstairs on her toes. Their house is quite new so fortunately the floors don't really creak that much. She sees Mason waiting for her in front of the door, so she opens it for him. He wraps his arms around her firmly, his scent and warmth make her smile. No doubt he gives the best hugs, she can really feel the passion and love. He doesn't let go but she's not complaining, he could hug her all day long, that wouldn't be a problem for her.

'Let's go upstairs gorgeous.'

She leads the way, smiling. They both don't make a sound when they pass her mother's room. When they are finally in her room, she closes the door, so they would be able to speak a little louder. It says two o'clock on the clock, it is way past midnight, normally she would be sleeping right now. Guess today isn't a normal day anyways. He flops down on her bed, between the pillows, and gestures she has to join him. She grabs the blanket and crawls against him.

'I'm so happy we can go to California together newbie.'

'Me too. It's going to be a long drive, but I think we'll make something fun out of it.'


'I thought we could watch a movie now.'

There is a pile of films laying on her bed, he picks one of them up and reads the back. Apparently the story is very amusing because he starts to laugh.

'We'll do this one.'

She takes the movie from him, he chose a romantic movie. Since when do boys like romantic films like this one? Hazel always thought boys were more into action movies, she must have been wrong about that then. Mason is the living proof boys do enjoy romantic things.

The film starts playing and he pulls her closer. His warm hand strokes her right arm, while he stares at the television. Occasionally she can feel his eyes checking her out, she doesn't mind it at all. It feels rather nice having him looking at her. Of course Hazel acts as if she doesn't notice his eyes staring at her. He might stop if she would mention it. She lays her head on his shoulder, he allows her and starts stroking her hair now. It is a magical feeling.

'Are you happy I came?'

'Yes', she mumbles.

'I can't wait to spend more time with you. I feel so comfortable around you. You are beautiful, sweet, adorable, gorgeous-'

She puts her finger to his lips. 'You're making me blush.'

'That's not a bad thing newbie', he's probably smirking right now, 'I really meant what I said.'

'I don't know why you I considered you a jerk. You are one of the nicest people I have ever met Mason.'

Mason doesn't reply, in stead he just wraps his arms around her more firmly. They start falling asleep while the movie plays in the background. The sounds start fading to the background. Hazel closes her eyes, she sighs. I could get used to this feeling, she thinks.

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