Part Thirty-One

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''Hazel March, we reached our destination.'' Mason points to a beautiful beach, the water is so clear and blue. 

''Wow Mason, it's beyond beautiful. I never imagined it to be this perfect.''

He lifts her up and swings Hazel around through the air. Mason's strong arms hold her waist gently as he smiles at her. 

''We're going to have an amazing time.''

''We sure are'', she smiles to him. 

Everything feels right at this moment, Hazel hasn't felt this happy in a very long time. She is in California with a handsome guy with a sweet personality. He really takes care of her and finally, after the death of her father, she feels loved by a man again. Her father was the best man in her life, but when he died she never thought she could ever love a man again. Mason came in her life for a reason, she's very certain of that. Everything happens for a reason in life. 

''So beautiful, what do you want to do now?''

''You could show me around?''

''Perfect, let's go.'' 

Mason takes her hand as they enter the little cottage, she can feel her cheeks blush. As they enter the cabin, they are welcomed by a very pure smell. The scent is a mix between sand and water, they're basically having the smell of beach indoors. It reminds Hazel of the holidays she had with both of her parents, whenever they would go to a warm country. Her father was in love with water. If she couldn't find him, she always went looking at the shore because he would be there very often. 

''This is the bathroom, it has everything you need. My aunt even bought us skincare products, shampoo, and all that stuff. Isn't she sweet?''

''Wow, that's indeed really sweet. She didn't have to do that'', Hazel says while picking up some of the products. 

''I told her that already, but she was too excited we were going to stay in her house.''

''Cute'', Hazel chuckles. 

''Come on, let's go see the rest of the cabin.'' 

''Yes sir.''

He takes her hand again as he shows her the other rooms. Everything they could possibly need is there, Mason's aunt did an outstanding job preparing her house for their trip. Hazel could see why Mason loved being raised by her, it must have been such heartbreak when he found out she was getting married. His aunt still loves him endlessly though, she can see that in the way she cleaned and made the cabin ready for their arrival. 

''It's going to be tough work to clean this house at the end of the week'', she giggles.

''We're good, my aunt said we didn't have to worry about that. She told us just to have a great, worry-free time.''

''But Mason-''

''I know, you feel guilty now'', he says as he holds her face in his two muscular hands. Their bodies get closer. 

''Yes'', she whispers under her breath.

''Just have a great time. This week is too short to worry'', Mason whispers back. He pulls her close by her waist, then he kisses her lips. 

''You make me happy in a way nobody has ever done before. I mean that Hazel.''

''Mason, you mean so much to me.''

''We are really meant to be'', he laughs. 

''I love you.''


''Forever, I promise.''

''I will also love you forever, I promise.''

After another kiss, they head their ways outside. Mason and Hazel both changed themselves into swimwear, he is wearing a dark blue swimming trunk and she's wearing a red bathing suit. They are a good couple for the eye, both very pretty and elegant. 

''So, Hazel March, I've told you my story. Now I want to know what's yours?'', Mason asks when they're in the water. ''You can tell me anything.''

''Well, I was living a very lonely life. Nobody at school liked me, I had no friends. The only ones who were there for me were my parents. But then something tragic happened. My father died because of a heart attack. My whole world fell apart, I felt empty, very empty. I basically cried every night until I had literally no tears left to cry. My mother was also devastated by the death of her husband, we were together but very alone if that makes sense. My mother and I would sit at the dinner table, being silent the whole time and after that, we would part our ways again. We lived like that for two weeks, one night my mother came home from work and she hugged me so tight. She didn't let go of me for a straight hour. After our hug, she told me how much she loved me and that we would figure it out together. That's why we went into therapy together and it really helped us, we're closer than ever now. Something in her just snapped that day and I'm so grateful that we became close again, I don't know if I would still be alive if it wasn't for her'', she stops to take a breath. 

''Were you really going to kill yourself?''

''Yes, I was so close to committing suicide. What was the point? My father was gone but I lost my mother too, that was what I was thinking then.''

''I understand.''

''So, after therapy, we really wanted to get out of that town. It held terrible memories for us. Also, when my father died nobody from my school showed up at his burial. People told me I deserved it. It was such a frightful time and my mental health wasn't really in a good place.''

''Motherfuckers. If I ever see them I will-''

''It's in the past, Mason. I was able to move on because I know it wasn't my fault. Those children just hated me because I couldn't live up to their idiotic standards. I was just too young then to see that, but I grew as a person. I think I'm a really strong woman now.''

''You're the strongest person I know, along with your mother.''

''Thank you.''

''We didn't exactly have an easy youth, did we?'', he laughs. 

''You could say that. But at least we found each other. I think I'm finally ready to love a man again, after the death of my father I had difficulties with that. I thought I was replacing him because he is the first man I have ever loved in my life.''

''I completely understand it. I'm here for you, my gorgeous girl. I will never hurt you.'' 

''What did I do to deserve you?'', she giggles. 

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