Part Thirty

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They are back in Mason's car, their packed lunches are put in the bag. Hazel was really happy with the good organization of the restaurant, sometimes she orders a vegetarian dish and they'll put meat with it. Not this time, she has a perfectly packed lunch, without any meat.

''So, what's the plan, my dear?''

''That's a good question'', Hazel thinks, ''I think we should go back to the road, drive for a little while. Then we can park the car somewhere, swim and have our lunch. What do you think?''

''Sounds great'', he nods.

They have been driving for ten hours, which means they have eight hours left. Hazel and Mason decided they didn't want to do another stopover at a motel. Today they are just going to drive all the way to California. Mason asked her if she was okay with driving in the night. She didn't mind being in the car that late, as long as she was allowed to get some sleep. He had laughed at her answer and told her that she was allowed to sleep of course.

''Mason, can you tell me a little bit about yourself.''

''Of course, why?''

''Well, I sometimes have this feeling that I know you very well. However, sometimes I feel like I don't know you at all. For example, I didn't know you were such a bookworm. Don't you think it would be nice if we would get to know each other a little better? Especially since we're going to be stuck with each other a whole week.''

''I get what you mean'', he laughs, ''well, my name is Mason. I live in Denver and my hobbies-''

''Idiot!'', she slaps his arm, ''I want to know the real you.''

He chuckles as he clears his throat. Mason rubs his arm as if her slap was really hard, which isn't the case but he likes to tease her. She rolls her eyes at him.

''You want a kiss on your painful spot?''

''Shut up, I'm going to tell you about the real me'', he says while he strokes her head with one hand, her hair gets messed up but she lets him go on. After a few seconds, he pulls away his hand and grabs the steering wheel.

''So I was born in California. I was mostly raised by my aunt, she is the owner of the house we're going to. My mother died when I was nine, my father didn't want to take care of me because I reminded him of my mother. He was, of course, very upset that she had died at such a young age. They were truly meant for each other. When I turned fifteen I received a letter, it was my father asking if I wanted to see him. He told me that he was so angry with himself for leaving me behind when I needed him the most. My father called himself an egoist, but I don't see him that way. It is very understandable that he was broken.''

''But you were broken too.''

''I know, I still am. But it was never his intention to hurt me so much, I thought. So when I was fifteen my aunt arranged a meeting with him and myself. We went on lunch, the three of us, and after that, I went home with my father to see his new house. You have to realize I hadn't seen him for six years, I had absolutely no idea what had happened to him. I found out that he had a new wife, they were married for three years when I was fifteen. To be honest with you, that did hurt me so bad. I could understand the reason he left and all of that, but he had met someone new and he still didn't care to visit me. He never contacted me in those three years he was married. He, clearly, had gotten over my mom, but why didn't he contact me then? I was really upset about that. I stayed at his house in Denver a week. After I got back my aunt told me that she was pregnant. That, of course, was another big shock. I got hurt really badly twice, in one week. She told me that she had been seeing someone but she didn't want him to meet me yet, because she was afraid I would hate her. My aunt also thought I would feel replaced. She was right about that, I felt replaced. I basically had no one left who would put me above anything. My father had a new wife and my aunt had a boyfriend and a baby in her belly. After two weeks she told me that it would be better if I would move in with my father in Denver. She was planning to marry her boyfriend and they wanted to buy a house. Her boyfriend didn't like the idea of me being there too, so I had to leave. My father also didn't really want me, his new wife however liked the idea of having a child to care for. So, I moved in with my father and his new wife Shanice. She was the most gorgeous woman I had ever met. Shanice is a woman of color and is so incredibly beautiful. She was the first one to love me unconditionally, after my aunt. Well, three years later I still live in Denver, with Shanice and my dad. I don't regret coming here, it was a good decision, but when I was a little kid it felt like nobody wanted me. I am so grateful for Shanice because she gave me everything. My father is more often away than he is home, but I don't really care. If he doesn't love me or doesn't want to care for me, then I won't love him. He is just a man I live with, nothing more. My aunt and I still send each other letters every year but I don't see her that often. She told me she still regrets sending me away, her marriage actually stranded a couple of months later because she realized that a true man would accept her and everyone she loves. He didn't do that, so, therefore, she left him. I still love my aunt and I forgave her for sending me away because she deserved her own life.''

Mason stares into the distance, in one breath he told everything. Hazel sighs and grabs his hand.

''I love you.'''

He looks at her and squeezes her hand gently.

''You do?''

''Yes, I love you so much, you don't know how happy you make me. I always smile when I'm around you.''

''I love you too sweetheart.''

''I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. You deserve all the love and happiness there is in the world. Shanice sounds like a very loving person, I can't wait to meet her.''

''After this week you can have dinner at my house if you want. My father will probably not be there, but Shanice will, and to be honest, she is the only one you would enjoy meeting. Thank you for listening by the way.''

''No problem, Mason. Your story really touched me, I can see how much it affected you and I'm just so sad that you didn't experience a calm, loving youth.''

''I would have loved that too, but I turned out fine. When I met you I just knew that I found my true love. I knew it the moment I saw you, Hazel. We are meant to be together.''

''I love you so much.''

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