I sat on the ground, knees up, hands holding the back of my head and rocking myself into a frenzy, panic, pain, everything I never thought I'd feel about Thomas fucking Edison. The look on his face when he looked at his chest, the mixture of saliva and blood falling down his chin keeps flashing in my head, fear of death.

I've never worried about death, never had a reason to. But now that I've got people to fight for, I want to live more than anything. I want to have a normal life with my girl, my son, brother, I'd even live for Jane the fucking amazing woman that she is.

It crossed my mind that I missed Zara, but right now, all my focus is on Thomas and whether or not I'll be alone again. Her threat to end everything with me if I didn't show up, has just come true, my biggest nightmare. I mean, she can't take my son away from me. I'll fight for him until the day I die, same with Zara.

I'll need to work on what the fuck to do about it all once I know the outcome for Thomas, and whoever the bastards are that did this. I have an idea who, but I can't go around chucking names around without proof.

"Theo?" Finn walks out from the elevator, a clear bag full of clothes in his hand. "Go get cleaned up. You're torturing yourself sitting here, don't worry, he's in good hands. I have some of the best medical staff here," he says, dropping the bag on my lap, tilting his head to the elevator again. "Come on."

"I'm not leaving him," I say, leaning my elbows on my knees, clasping my hands and watching as Thomas's tubed up, bloodied face appears through the group surrounding him.

"Zara left an hour ago, Theo, she'll just be getting to the airport."

"Let her," I snap. I don't mean it, not at all. If anything, it's breaking me inside.

He sighed, rubbing his face and sitting down next to me, mirroring my position. "She didn't mean what she said, she was just upset. At least she's safe from all of this." He gestured to Thomas.

Both listening to the doctor yelling at the nurses to grab gauze and some fucking clamp looking thing. I held my breath when his machines started to beep like crazy, sitting up straight, ready to run at him. I calm down when they extracted the bullet from his chest cavity, the beeping slowing to a steady pace.

Fucking hell.

When I heard the Doctor tell Finn he would be okay, I let my head drop between my legs, the pressure in my chest disappearing, being able to breathe properly. "My fucking god," I mutter.

He shakes Finn's hand and looks down at me, giving me a half-smile. "He needs quite some time to recover. But, thankfully, the bullet didn't penetrate any vital organs and we were able to pull it out with no issues. Now, we wait for him to wake and take it from there."

I nod, silently thanking him, returning my gaze to the ground between my parted legs. The realisation hit me when the Doctor left, making me lift my head slowly to Finn, my blazing eyes burning into his. "How'd you know where we were and that we'd need help?"

"I have trackers on all of my cars," he shrugs. "I also track all of Grace's cars and saw them following you." He pressed the button on the elevator. Tilting his head for me to follow. I look over at Thomas, a plastic tube stuffed in his mouth and bandages wrapped around his chest, nodding to myself.

I follow Finn into the shaking elevator, climbing each floor with a crunching sound of the metal wires. "Go get cleaned up and meet me in the main room."

I agreed, walking out the elevator, not turning back to look at him as I made my way to the room Zara and I was in. Seeing it empty, spotless, make me sigh.

I watched the river of blood travel down my legs, making it's way down the drain as the scolding water barely calmed me. With my head against the tiles, I release some built-up rage, my fist collided with the white squares, ignoring the shooting pains running up my wrist.

It took me nearly an hour to get out, dry myself and shive on clothes Finn had given me. A white top that blows out my black inked arms, a pair of shorts that I'm sure Thomas wouldn't even fit in.

I lay on the bed, staring at the roof, remembering Zara moaning beneath me in this very spot, driving us both into orgasm, hearing her say my name between gasps, it's messing with my head that she's on her way to the other side of the fucking world with our son.

I'll find her when I get there, explain everything and apologise. Hopefully, she forgives me and we can finally get on with our lives without all this bullshit.

I meet Finn outside his operations room, follow him to the monitors lined up along walls of the crowded room with suited, armed security everywhere.

He switched on one of the screens built-into the table, rewinding footage, pointing to the map of the city, red dots moving around. He zooms in and points to a specific one sitting outside of the café Zara worked in. "That's you," he said, fast-forwarding the screen and zooming into a junction, pointing at another red dot. "That's you hours later," he clears his throat, finger moving to another dot close-by. "That's Grace's men following you." I raise both brows, we were fucking followed. "You must have been spotted outside her facility. We knew they'd open fire, so we had to rush to get to you both."

"Grace shot her own fucking son?" Female or not, she's dead.

He nods, leaning his hands on the metal table in between us, the screen switching off. "I had to track her to make sure she didn't follow Zara."

"Zara," I repeat him, her name like acid in my mouth. Exasperated, I throw my hands into my hair and tug at the strands. "Fuck, she's gone."

"I can get you on the next flight, don't worry. Zara, Jane and Theodore will be residing at your grandparent's cottage up near Aviemore. I made sure to take over the rights for it when they passed."

Great, even my grandparents are dead. I have memories of the yearly birthday cards and cans of Irn Bru, the Christmas stocking full of candy, exclusively Scottish.

I roll my eyes, letting out a little anger by booting a metal bin across the ground, smacking it off the wall. I freeze, turning slowly to Finn. "Thomas won't be fit enough to fly."

"Thomas already told me he isn't going with you all. He has his own stuff to deal with."

"Eh?" What the fuck is that supposed to mean? He failed to mention this to me, is Finn pulling my pisser? "Thomas is coming with me. Look what just happened, of course he's fucking coming!"

Looking at his phone, he takes a deep, slow breath, looking up at me through his grey eyelashes. "It's Zara."

I stand still, arms to my side.

Showing me the screen, my heart sinks, even though I already knew it. Raising a brow, I read her message.

Zara: Hey, that's us boarding. Thanks for everything, dad. Z xo


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