He howled in agony as you and the knights got to work. You and the boys opened a doorway to the Guavians mind. This method of extraction was Kylo's area of expertise. He stepped in with great enthusiasm. You bit your cheeks, suppressing smirk as he did so. Outstretching his hand, his fingers were far apart. It took the man, a few moments before Kylo tore through the weak walls in his mind. You could feel and hear everything Kylo sensed. Once, he was content with information he had collected, he was about to withdraw his hand when you stopped it by placing a hand on his elbow. His eyes met your dark ones, once again. "Push further", you ordered. You could feel his anger rising at your demanding tone. His jaw tensed at you words. But he followed it nonetheless. The man was begging for his death, you could sense the sadistic pleasure emitting from Vicrul and Ushar. Torture was their job and they loved it.

Kylo pushed in more, this time in to the man's hidden memories. Screams tore through his lungs. You couldn't blame him, his weakness was being exploited. Something he buried deep within, now hung in the air. His ashen face was a proof of what he was experiencing. Kylo pulled away in an instant. Your feet carried you closer to him. The sound of dagger swishing alerted him. You could sense all that he felt. Horror, fear and disgust. What stood out was regret. Regret, a word that rarely existed in your world. Its as if the word held no meaning, just a letters thrown around producing a symbol of dread.

Somewhere deep within you, kept telling you to have mercy. "What would little Roxy think of daddy's endeavors when she finds out, hm?", clearly you kicked the good in you back to where it belonged. In a place of neglect. You killed the honor in you. Your gloved fingers ran along the sharp edges of the blade.

"You wouldn't-", he voice broke. You looked over your shoulders; nodding at Cardo. He takes off with Trudgen towards the market. You shift your focus back to the Guavian.
"Oh, but I would", your corners of your lips curled upwards to the softest of sinister smirks. You brought the dagger closer to the skin on his neck. Drawing a thin, small line across his flesh. You were slowly and steady, the cut was so straight, its as if it was almost done by a surgeon's hand. You the slowly trailed the dagger upwards against his skin, stopping at his. "Unless, you tell me where Bala Tik is", you whispered inches away from his shuddering breath. "Please no, he'll hurt me, you don't know how dangerous he can be", he stuttered, lips quivering.

"My love", you fixed your stance. Bringing your lips closer to his ears, just so your message can be loud and clear. "From what you've seen, here. Are you sure, a mere human is the biggest of your worries?", you scoffed.
"He will kill you for this", the man warned. "Funny, I'm going to do the same thing", you scrunched your nose.

You turned your head slowly as Cardo and Trudgen threw a woman holding a child tight in her arms.
"Ah, and who do we have here?", you played with the dagger on your palms before placing it back into its bed, while you hopped towards the woman and crouched; the light snow creating whirlpools under your boots. You laced your fingers under her chin, lifting her head up. "Hm, I wonder", you sighed heavily, scanning her features. She was young, way too young to be married; around your age. This wasn't the woman from his memories. Fear orbited around her ocean blue eyes. You were surprised to see no creases at the corners of her lips. Sadness masked her delicate skin like a dark cloud hovering above, only her. Her features beared stark resemblance to yours. You could tell that she derived of joy.

She shaked her head under your touch, bringing more hair to cover her left eye. You squinted your eyes, when a small mark of black and purple caught your eyes.

"What is that?", your voice turned back to its original. You gingerly brushed her back, she winced at the touch. "Roxy dont say anything!-", the man scolded, you sharply turned yout head. Kross immediately clobbered him to silence, his back slid onto the ground.

FOR HER HONOR ONLY | Kylo Ren Where stories live. Discover now