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Friday, September 2nd, 2020

.                                   ~                                   .

As this is written, we are told to practice social distancing and to stay roughly six feet apart. Okay, so thirty feet isn't six but Larissa didn't mind and neither did the boys. I mean if they were gonna "social distance" (even though it's unnecessary in this universe) they were going to be the best at it. Besides, petty and over dramatic boys were the last thing the poor girl wanted on her mind. Surviving a sleepover...with Veronica and Scarlet...that was the desperate task at hand. . .

      "So this is why we never see you in the morning

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      "So this is why we never see you in the morning." Scarlet exclaimed as Larissa opened the door to her 'office.'

      "Next on, things we all knew: Grass is green." Veronica laughed with sarcasm and Larissa was quick to follow it up with her own.

      "And breaking news: Water is wet." Scarlet pursed her lips, attempting to slam the door behind her but watched in unsatisfactory as her strength failed her. 

      "Okay, do you guys- are you guys just trying to piss me off, or...?" The other two chuckled at Scarlet's outburst as Veronica leaned against a wall, Scarlet quick to sit in a rolly stool, and Larissa in her designated chair behind the weak desk.

      "So, what? Is this your secret womancave or something?" Veronica asked, pointing around the small storage room Larissa reluctantly had to call an office.

      "It's where I make the newspapers for the school, print them out, stuff like that."

      "Wait. Oh my god, you're L.L.? I thought that was just like, a business logo or something." Larissa shook her head with a sigh. She couldn't be serious. And yet, as she looked back up to inspect the blonde girl's face, she only saw shock and surprise.

      "Yes, V. I run the entire newspaper club."

      "That's sad." Scarlet snorted, sending a sly smirk Larissa's way.

      "I think it's nice." The girl combated, picking at her fishnets through the medium sized holes in her jeans. "I don't really have to rely on anybody because they would be guaranteed to mess up. Besides, it would look good on my resume. I'd call it, 'Running a small company single handedly.' "

      "Resume? For what?" Veronica asked but Larissa found herself silent at this. She hadn't realized she had given away so much info. Hell, it was hard not to. The two girls made her feel as though she actually had a say in the things that happened around her.

      "Just... stuff." The room went silent at her response and Larissa awkwardly shifted back to typing on her computer.

      Applications for the Anime Club are posted around the school. For more information, head on over to room 52 in the LA building!

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