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Sunday, August 28th, 2020

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Dark nights in Philadelphia are dangerous. No matter who you are. Which was why Larissa had enough common sense to walk home during the daylight. Mmm, but not enough to know that sneaking out at night could possibly be a bad idea and/or lead to a missing child's report. But of course, that was the least of her concerns. Unfortunately. . .


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      "No. ~ No. ~ No. ~ No." As the channels kept flicking by, Freddy groaned, throwing his head back in aggravation. 

      "Darla, can you please pick something?" Freddy prompted, to which Billy swiftly agreed adding,

      "Yeah, you've been channel surfing for an hour."

      Larissa (who was sitting in between the two boys) scoffed. "Shut up, dude, she can do whatever she wants."

      "Yeah, shut up, dude. I  can do whatever want." Darla repeated her babysitter's words with smugness, then proceeded to hold the remote up in the air. "I've got the remote." And with that, both boys simultaneously threw their heads back and groaned while Larissa giggled.

      "How are you so unbothered right now?" Freddy question, looking towards the girl in black, as per usual. Larissa shrugged, watching Darla endlessly go through channel after channel.

      "Hey, just as long as she's quiet and not burning the house down, I don't care what she does. Besides, it's easier to have you all in my line of sight. So, TV time it is." She explained, eyes still glued to the TV.

      "Okay. Then where's Eugene?" Billy teased and Larissa blinked a few times before looking to the floor.

      "He's right th-..." He wasn't on the floor. In fact, the little gamer boy was nowhere in sight and with this fact becoming apparent, Larissa lifted Darla off of her lap and bolted off through the house as Billy shook his head. Now it was back to Darla, still casually scrolling through the channels as if she wasn't causing the boredom of the rest of the foster family.


      "I love you. You love me-"


      "I'm gonna freaking kill you!!"

Shazam! | They're Not Friends | [Chapter One]Where stories live. Discover now