Chapter 3: Ammie

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"What do  you think you're doing?" You heard a voice. You could not tell if it was Jimin or Taehyung, beacuse of how scared you were. You just froze there. You could not move a finger. However, you still retracted your hand and turned back.

Standing near the staircase, was Taehyung. He was wearing a brown pant with a plain white shirt and he looked really angry.

"N-Nothing!" You said. "I-I was just t-trying to see the p-picture." The way he was looking at you was creepy. You could feel yourself shiver under his gaze.

Taehyung walked towards you slowly. He grabbed your shoulders and looked at you right in the eyes. "Look, I don't for how long you are going to be here and I don't really care. But as long as you are here, don't touch anything. Especially my things!"

You nodded vigorously. "S-Sorry!" You apologised.

The way he spoke, reminded you of that dickhead, when you first met him. That was a scary experience.

He let go of your shoulders and steped back. "Now, when are you going to cook?" He asked, folding his hands and raising an eyebrow.

"C-Can I u-use the kitc-chen?" You stuttered.

"Yes!" He blankly replied. Then he looked around as if he was looking for something. "I forgot why I came down. Thanks a lot!" He sat down on the sofa and started thinking, while you made your way to the kitchen.

On the way there, you started giving yourself some advice. "I cannot get scared of him. If I do, he will act just like that dickhead. I need to show my attitude to him from the very beggining, just like how I should have done with that dickhead." You took a deep breath and placed your hands on the kitchen counter. "Ammie fighting!" You cheered.

"Ammie cooking!" Taehyung cheered from the living room. You wondered if you screamed too loudly.

"For you, it's Amelia." You gave him a death glare and walked toward the fridge.

You picked out the ingredients and utensils you wanted and began your cooking.

After an hour or so, Jimin and Taehyung were sitting on the dinning table, waiting for you to serve them. Next to Taehyung, his puppy - that was now named Yeontan - was sitting on a high chair.

You walked into the dinning, and placed a the hot pan right in the centre of the circular table. You set up three plates and a small white bowl for Yeontan.

"What have you made, Lia?" Jimin asked just as you sat down.

You smiled brightly. "Vegetable frittata!" You proudly replied. It's something that you learnt to cook from that dickhead. Hate that man, but love the dish. "It's delicious."

"A vegetable what tata?" Taehyung asked, with the intention of pissing you.

"A vegetable 'Shut the fuck up' tata!" You replied, making Jimin giggle and Taehyung give you a weird look.

"Okay! Okay! Let's eat!" Jimin laughed again and then served himself, followed by Taehyung and you doing the same. Taehyung served a small portion of the meal to Yeontan as well.

"It's delicious!" Jimin complemented.

"Thank you. I'm glad you liked it." You smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Honestly, I feel like someone just threw vegetables, eggs, meat and cheese into a pan and served it here." Taehyung commented.

You stared at him with a 'Seriously?' look. "Yes! That is exactly what I did. Throwing things into a vessel to make a dish, is the defination of cooking." You replied to his comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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