Chapter 2: Stay with you.

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Where you were, seemed to be a market place. There were women with jute bags in their hands, picking fruits, vegetables, milk and other things they needed in their kitchens. There were kids running around with their parents, asking for these toys and those toys. There were many young couples, doing coupley things, making you cringe internally.

You looked at the stores. The shopkeepers had a table with their items layed out on them and four poles of wood on all four corners to tie a cloth above them for a shade.

There were people travelling on horses, and in carts. You could see people stacking all their purchased goods on donkeys.

For a minute, you thought that you had come back in time, rather than going ahead. But, no! That was not the case.

In the olden times, people did not wear jeans pants and hoodies, sneakers or leather jackets. They did not have phones and tablets.

So one thing was for sure, that you did not go back in time. But you did not go ahead in time either- So where the heck were you?

While you were standing in the middle of the street trying to come with an explaination for your situation, a lady came dashing towards you. Her shoulder bumped into yours as she ran past you. Soon you realised that everybody was running.

The market place that was so quiet and busy just a minute ago, was now in a state of panic. Everybody was running in the direction, opposite to which you were facing.

"Late warning! Late warning!" You heard a man yell into a microphone. "Code 1632! Code 1632! Everybody run!"

Inspite of hearing the announcment, you stood there, like an idiot. A man came running towards you and stopped and stared at you with disbelief. "Do you want to die, child?" He questioned you. He turned and pointed at the sky. "Look! It's almost here. Run!" You looked at the sky. There was a huge circle that was coming closer and closer.

It was dark grey and had few lights attached to it. It was beeping so loudly, that you could turn deaf. You squinted at it and that's when you were hit with realisation.

At first, you thought you were hallucinating, but then again, this is not the 21st centuary. Such things were possible.

Panic swelled within you and you began running with the others. You kept turning back to look at it. You still couldn't believe your eyes.

Not paying attention to the front, you ran into something. You fell back, due to the force and hit your butt, again. You looked down to see all coffee spilt on your white shirt.

"What the fuck, random citizen!?" You yelled at the person, without even looking at them. "Are you blind?" You screamed at the person, eventhough you knew that it was your fault.

You were annoyed, confused and scared, all at the same time. But the minute you looked at the man, you dashed, you calmed down.

He had sweet eyes, plump lips and slightly tinted cheeks. He had long, pinkish-purple hair and bangs that rested on his forehead. He wore round glasses that made him look cool rather than nerdy.

He was wearing a light blue distressed jeans with a white shirt and and a sequenced jacket. His wore black sneakers, that matched the jacket.

He was collecting all the papers that flew out of his hands, because of you ramping into him. He didn't even look at you or say anything.

You kept staring at his face that looked like an angel's. You were so lost that you could not even hear the loud beeping anymore.

He glanced up, at the sky and then suddenly dropped all his papers and pounced on you. Your eyes widened as your back hit the hard ground. You and he, both, went rolling to the side of the street.

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