Arc 1: Chapter 2

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I look through the window and think of a way to get those walkers out. We need to stay here for tonight. I need rest and so does AJ. I remembered the nail file Jane gave me.

"This could help if I tried to kill them all, but I'd probably get killed attempting to." I say to myself.

I open the front door hoping the walkers would just walk out. I hold AJ tightly and run to the back of the cabin. The walkers begin to walkout.

"Better hope they can't find me." I say. I hear the gunshots in the distance again, and the walkers head for the woods to find the sound. I quickly run into the cabin and lock myself in.

I set AJ down on the couch and make sure the whole place is safe. I open the bedroom door and a walker comes after me.

I grab the nail file and attempt to shove it through its scull. This doesn't work. The walker is on top of me snapping its jaw trying to reach my neck.

"Help!" I scream. I manage to kick the walker off of we which gives my time to look for a weapon. I see a knife on the ground. I grab it and shove it in the walkers eye.

It falls. I sit there holding the knife in my hand breathing heavily. All the commotion has got AJ crying again. I pick him up and calm him down.

"Shhhh, it's okay." He is still crying. I give him a hug which quieted him down.

I sat on the couch and rested. I was woken up by crying. AJ, he's probably hungry. I had some food in my backpack. I took a banana and mushed it up with my hands and fed it to him.

"There you go." I say in a low tone. He calms down and I set him back down on the couch. I grab my back pack and look for some food for me. "We are getting low on food AJ." I say to him. I eat half a granola bar and go back to sleep.

The light from the morning sun has woken me up. "We need to keep moving." I say. I grab AJ and walk through the woods. It's almost been whole day, a whole day of walking, night is approaching quickly and its very foggy. My legs are so sore.

In the distance I see someone, I'm not sure if it's a person or a walker. They're moving too fast to be a walker. I grab my knife and try to keep myself hidden. It's too late I've been spotted.

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