All of us walked down the steps to the bottom floor of the hotel where there was a small restaurant. We must have looked a bit intimidating, teenagers are pretty damn scary.

The restaurant smelled of barbeques and summer. I took a deep breath in which made my empty stomach growl. Damn I haven't eaten since I was back home- I thought to myself. I guess traveling made me feel a bit sick and put me off any food. But now that I was here I could eat anything.

I grabbed a plate and put some sticky white rice and green beans on it, I also took a fried egg you can't go wrong with them.

We all sat together at a small table for 4 but we all squished in. There was free orange juice, and Jaime had 2 glasses to himself because he wanted to make the most of the opportunity.

"Omg that was so good" I said as we walked back to out room.
"Yeah I wish I took more now" Mike joked.

Once we were back inside the small hotel room, I got my stuff for the beach ready and packed a small blue bag full of the stuff. Some sunglasses, suncream, swim shorts, and fruit as a snack.

"What should I bring?" Y/n asked standing at the edge of the bed her hand on her chin.
"Just some swim stuff and sun stuff. If you forget anything we can always come back don't worry" I suggested.
"Oh yeah sounds good" she said.


"Let's sit there" y/n pointed to a shady spot under a bush like tree. The beach was basically empty, except a couple people dotted here and there. I threw a small red blanket to sit on but most of the time we didn't sit on it. The sensation of the hot sand between my toes was comforting.

It was pleasant looking at the beautiful scenery and snacking on some watermelon I had in my bag. Traveling and going to these places is so worth it even though it is expensive. I took another bite into my watermelon which I swear tasted sweeter than when we were back home. When I heard a familiar whistle.

"Oi Vic!" A whiny voice from my right called.
"Kellin!!" I got up and stumbled across the sand quickly towards him giving him a big hug.
"How you doing buddy?" He asked.
"Really good man. What about you?"
"Yeah I'm great taking time off is so fun."
"I agree" I replied. Meeting your friends on the other side of the world is the weirdest feeling. Being so far away is weird enough, however it was oddly comforting.
"Where is Gabe and everyone else?" I asked confused
"Oh their lazy asses didn't want to leave the hotel." He rolled his eyes.
"Sounds like like them" I retorted.
We both walked over to the spot we were at.

"Hey guys" Kellin said politely. He greeted everyone with a pat on the back and then sat next to y/n.
"And hey y/n I've heard a lot about you." He said. Y/n ears spiked up and her face began to go very red. She fiddled with her hands as I watched her muster up a reply.
"Wait really? Oh my god that's so cool-" she panted nervously.
"I- I'm a really big fan heh." She chuckled as she glanced over at me for reassurance. I nodded in response as if saying "you've got this".
"So I've heard" Kellin replied with a smile and brought her in for a hug.
I shot her a thumbs up and she looked like she was silently screaming inside. I remember that feeling.

"I've missed you guys so much it's been forever since we met up. And Jaime wow... What are you doing" Kellin laughed. I peered around y/ns head to see Jaime's jet black spiky hair poking out from under his cap as he sat there cooking a sausage on a disposable barbecue.
"I'm cooking a gourmet meal. Don't laugh" Jaime replied sarcastically.
We all chuckled and I layed on my back and covered my eyes with my elbow becasue the sun was so hot.

Myself and y/n decided to go build a sandcastle near the wave line. She really wanted to and I coudln't deny so I went with her whilst the others ate some hot dogs.

I made the faint outline of a circle and we began biding up a pile of sand.
"Y/n you did it!" I said proud of her.
"Yeah," she smiled happily tucking her hair behind her right ear.
"I have no clue what I was paranoid about- he is just like a normal guy." She joked.
"Yeah it's just when you idolise someone for so long like that it's hard to get over it, don't worry I've been there." I reassured her as I piled sand up, it got in-between my fingernails and everything.

Y/n looked tanned already, perhaps it was just the lighting but the summer glow made us all look a lot less pale to be fair.
"Vic can you dig a moat around the sides and then we can join it up." Y/n asked innocently.
"Yep yep" I replied.

"There we go, a masterpiece" we both stood up staring at the messy pile of sand with a ring of water around it. Supposedly it was meant to be a castle but it just looked like a mound.
"Uhm. Yeah pshh" she laughed at the mess we created.
"What do you mean looks great i wish I lived there" I elbowed her arm jokingly.
"You must be mad then" she remarked.

"Come on let's go eat some food" I suggested as we walked back to grab a hot dog.


Me Tony y/n and Kellin stood at the edge of the water. The warm froth would lap up at my toes, gently washing off the dusty white sand that covered them. We spent so long at the beach and I almost definitely didn't put enough suncream on that day. The skin on my nose felt tender and tingly.  We spent so long there in fact I think I lost track of time. And as gazed into the horizon the sun was beginning to set. The whole sky was shades of pink purple and orange it looked like a painting.

"Woah. That's beautiful." Y/n said dumbstruck by the stunning sunset.
Not as beautiful as you. I thought to myself. I didn't really say that though.
"Your right. It looks... Insane" I said kicking the water beneath my feet.
"You know I've never actually swam in the sea in a different country before." Y/n looked at me longingly.
"Oh is that so?" I stared down feeling my cheeks heat up.
"We can make that happen-" I said quickly as I immediately picked her up bridal style and started running into the sea.
"Vic WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I heard Kellin screech as both him and Tony stared chasing after us. I couldn't run to fast as the small waves would still knock me back.

"Vic you're mad" y/n grinned immensely as I plopped her down in the sea about chest deep. Kellin and Tony swam over to us.
"Great now my clothes are wet and salty" Tony sighed.
"Stop being a wuss" I joked
"You literally can't come to the beach and not swim on such a nice day like this it's an unspoken rule."

"It's so warm woah..." Y/n said as she dunked her head under and swam around a bit. I used my hand to splash water in her face.
"Oi" she yelled and splashed more back my way.

The moment was literally perfect. Her wet hair clung to her face and dripped over her nose, and her beautiful smile practically lit up her face. I couldn't stop looking into her eyes. I felt comfortable being here and I just wanted the moment to last forever. I swam a bit closer to her. All I wanted to do was just give her a kiss but I knew I couldn't with kellin and Tony there so I just made the most of the moment we had anyways.

"Thanks guys. This has been a really nice start to the tour" I said cheerfully.
"Yeah you're welcome dude thank you too" Tony replied and Kellin nodded In agreement with him. We stood there in the sea and watched the sun finally go down until we headed back.

Fast Times At Clairemont High [Vic Fuentes]Where stories live. Discover now