
77 4 2

Y/ns pov

My legs felt sticky and unclean from dancing and sweating so much last night, aswell as spilling drinks on myself.

I was still half asleep as I layed in my bed peacefully. Slowly, my eyes began to flutter open and I smile crept up on my face. I lay on my left and stared out onto my room looking at the pile of old clothes that had be sat in the corner for at least 2weeks now. My right hand hung loosely over the edge of the bed as I fiddled with a stray price of string frayed from my matress.

Slowly I sat up and stretched my arms over my head hearing my back click as I began to sat up. I felt light headed, probably because last night was so chaotic. I felt Vics feet wrapped around mine. He was still curled up in a tight ball on my right, facing the wall. He had a pillow between each of his hands and was breathing softly.

I glanced up at the clock it read 9am... I had slept in quite a long time.
"Wait shit, my parents have never met Vic before, and he was asleep in my bed what do I do" I thought to myself. I looked around my room whilst staying quiet trying to think of a smart solution. Quietly i stood up off my bed to try and stop it creaking. I didn't want to wake up Vic. My vision suddenly went dark around the perimiters of my view causing me to stumble across the room. Tripping over my bag I leaned against the wall, resting my head on my arm which was placed against the cold stone.

I heard Vic begin to shift as he stretched out his whole body. He turned to look at me.
"Oh my god, you alright?" He took one look at my poor posture and realised that I really had drunk too much.
"Yeah I just have a but of a headache" I stated.
"Also we have to keep it down... My parents have no clue I've snuck you in..." I whispered across the room to him.
"Ah ok o-" he was quickly cut of by a harsh knock at my door.

My eyes widened quickly, sharply glancing at the door and back at Vic.
"Uh..ONE SEC!! IM- CHANGING!?" I shouted in response. I leaped over to Vic and we both, flustered, searched around my room for a place for him to hide. I ushered him under my bed and sat down on the bed, with my legs covering his face.
"Ok... Done!" My dad pushed open the door and entered my room. Not shutting the door after he entered.

He took a seat on my windowsill facing me.
"So y/n how was the gig last night?" He asked in a joyful tone.
"It was good in still pretty exhausted from it though." I replied. I kept an eye on where my dad was looking, to make sure he couldn't see Vic lying silently under my bed.
"Hah, you remind me of when I was your age, I used to go out to gigs all the time." He laughed and smirked.
"Haha yeah..." I responded. I wanted to get him out of my room as soon as possible, so that I could sneak Vic out of my window... Or something.

"So who did you watch play then?" Oh god, the questions kept rolling on and on.
"Sleeping with sirens right?" He continued.
"Oh well, I'm sorry I really wish I could have got to watch them da, but I was too tired so I came back. Aziel went to watch them though" I remarked
"Oh... You walked home alone then? In the dark in the early morning?? You oughta be more careful y/n...." He said dissapointed.  Awh crap....

"No no you've got it wrong I walked home with Vic" I said truthfully.
'You see his band finished before Sleeping With Sirens came on"

"Ah I see." He glanced around my room.
"I'm glad to see you actually opened your curtains today" In reality it was so dark, I forgot they were open when we went to bed.
"Yep, i'm trying to make an improvement" I stated.
"Good for you." He mentioned.

He stood up slowly and make his way out if my room. But just before he left he looked down to my legs. I tensed up quickly hoping he didn't notice...
"What are you doing...?" I asked him in a comfortable tone trying to 'play cool'

Fast Times At Clairemont High [Vic Fuentes]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon