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Vic's pov





I stepped into my house and was greeted by Mike sat on the sofa with his cast on the table.
"Hey bro, you alright you've been gone for quite a while?" He asked.

"Yeah sorry about that, it's was a bit of a mad night I'm gonna be honest" I replied.
"Oh?" He said
"Um, yeah"

"Anyways Vic pretty sure you left your phone at y/ns place they dropped it over" Mike added
"Oh shit yeah!" I grabbed it off the wooden coffee table.
"Thanks dude" I gave him a light oat on the shoulder.
"So what happened exactly?" Mike asked
"Uh- I'll explain later it's... Confusing" I said.
"Oh... Right" he said dissapointed.

I walked up to my room and tucked myself under my blankets in my bed and stared at the roof of my dark celling. after a few days of chaos it was nice to just let me body sink into my bed.

I picked up my phone and tried to turn it on. The screen stayed black I could only see the reflection of my face in the glass.
"Ugh i have to charge it's oops" I plugged it in and got some rest becasue tomorrow I had school, and I didn't want to wake up and be knackered.


6.30am and my alarm was ringing. I sat up out of bed and grabbed my now fully charged phone. Huh... I had no notifications. I expected to see a message from y/n or something. Maybe she was doing the same as me, just letting her phone charge over night or something.

I expected that is what was happening so I sent a message to her.

Vic- y/n are you alrightttttt?

Vic- did your parents take it well please tell me you're safe?

Vic- omg... U better not still be asleep.

Vic-. Text me backkkkkkkk :(

It was still early so maybe she hadn't woke up or something.

I was ready to leave for school and yet still I had no reply from her. Which was odd? But I'm sure she was just exhausted I don't blame her.

For a minute I contemplated waiting for her outside her house to make sure she's as alright, but I figured she would probably appreciate some time alone, we all need it.


I sat in the courtyard at lunch digging into a pot of pasta. I got my usual meal just some vegi pasta with cheese. Honestly cheese is underrated, it's one of the best foods. I was waiting on a bench in the middle of the court all alone. I was sort of concerned because I hadn't spotted y/n anywhere. Even at break, I hadn't seen her. Maybe she was ill?

As I looked around I began to feel pretty self aware. Each bench had a group of people sat around it, almost all the seats were full on each table. A group of girls came over to my table and glanced at me. They looked like they were considering talking a seat.
"You can sit here if you want" I said politely.
"Uhm. No." They just walked away and sat on a grassy bank near me.

I was pretty alone. Mike was probably at some club, Aziel was in hospital and y/n... Had disappeared... After those bitchy girls giving me weird looks I took the opportunity to leave. Clearly I was just wasting a bench.

I took a walk around the school in hopes of finding someone to talk to. Being alone for the whole our of lunch is one of the most depressing things, you can't sit alone otherwise you're gonna look like a saddo. I mean not much difference but still-

When you're walking alone it feels like everyone is judging you. Like one million eyes are pinned onto my lanky awkward body. I just put my earphones in a listened to some sleeping with sirens.

As I walked through the corridors I looked around to see if some of the people sitting in the corners of the floor were anyone I knew. Their faces became a blur as I couldn't really see anyone I knew there. Making friends is so difficult, talking to y/n was such a lucky moment. I was so terrified but I did it. I'm just glad I have her.

I made my way to the end of a corridor and as I turned right I saw y/n and Rachel having a conversation. Y/n looked very distressed and Rachel aswell... I was very tempted to go straight up to them and say hi but I thought it would be best to give them a moment. I stood behind a wall near them just out of their view and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Rachel look I don't know what to do..." Y/n began to say
"I'm sorry but I have to agree with you mum here, I'm sorry she won't let you speak to him anymore... But it honestly is for your own good!" She shouted.
"Rachel!? Keep it down... I don't know if I want to drop him. Like I know everyone says he is a bad person and a bit of a weirdo... But I like him" she said.  "A lot."

"Like him? Or like like him?" Rachel teased.
"Like.... LIKE LIKE"
"Oh for god sake y/n... I don't like him I'm just saying. He did that horrible thing to you in the courtyard last week and I'm still not buying this whole oH bUt hEs cHaNgeD point of view." Rachel said
"No. Y/n I'm helping you out here."
"I know but..." She began to say
"whatever you're gonna say don't say it. You're too good for him"

They just walked away. I peered my head round the corner to make sure that they had gone, and walked to the disabled toilets and locked myself in there.

I looked at my feeble body in the mirror. My wrists were aching and stinging I scratched at them, trying to dull the irritating feeling.
I never thought my friends would say that about me. I know I'm a bit odd but it stung. Hearing it from her.

I sat down in the corner of the room and pulled anxiously as my hair. I wanted to tear it out so bad, but I forced myself to stop. I wasn't angry... It was odd I would usually be fuming, but I was just broken. What did I expect though really. I've never had good luck, just when you think things are going up, they aren't so don't ever get your hopes up.

I felt so lost and confused... What did I do wrong. I clawed at the skin under my trousers in hopes to calm me down but it just made things worse.
I have myself about 10minutes to get myself together and leave the room.


I went back to to the courtyard and say Rachel and y/n standing together.
I was terrified to confront them after what I just heard... But they maybe were talking about someone else and not me... I had a bit of hope...

I calmed my breather and said...
"Hey y/n?"
"Oh uhm... Hey Vic. I need to explain something to you." She said softly
"Oh?" I said the anxiety began to rise like my feet just needed to run away.
"Look my mum-" she was cut off.
"Vic... She doesn't need you ok? We don't want anything to do with you. So just leave us alone?" Rachel said in a bitchy manner.
"What-" I said confused.
"Mind explaining what I did wrong?" whenever I would say something slightly ageessive it felt like I was floating above my body. Like I was controlling him. And what he did in a game but I wasn't the player.

"Vic, you have done anything wrong Rachel's got this all messed up-"

"No I don't Vic just leave ok?!" Rachel interrupted her once again.

I just turned away and felt my broken heart shatter.


I sat down on my bed, softly and just wept. I had done so much for her... I don't understand what I did wrong. Oh god tutor was so awkward. We didn't share a word and we HAD to sit next to eachother. I was pretty worthless.

I felt like a part of me was missing. I was so angry at myself and hard myself so so so much I couldn't understand what to do with myself.
I looked at my razor and considered it. But I had come so far that I decided to sleep to take my mind off it.

That was easier said than done. My skin was screaming. I was on the bridge of tears all the time at any moment I would just start weeping.
The worst feeling is being uncomfortable in your own skin, becasue you can't run away from yourself.

I focused on my breathing and tried to calm it down. And I eventually slipped away into a deep sleep.

Fast Times At Clairemont High [Vic Fuentes]Where stories live. Discover now