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Vic's pov





I sat in French class. I was so done with this lesson, I wasn't even planning on going to France anytime soon... I could have been doing something more interesting, like taking photos or listening to music. I might aswell have been, not a single word the teacher was saying was processing in my mind.

"Vic... You understand?" I heard her shout.
"Uh um yeah...?" I said sitting upright and straightening out my posture.
"Good. Tell me the answer then" she stated. I didn't know the answer, news flash.
"I- don't know?" I said with regret.
"Just what i thought. I'm dissapointed Vic. Over the last month you have really not been paying attention in lessons." She said Infront of the whole class. I felt so embarrassed I didn't know at all what to say. I just felt so uncomfortable.
"Miss can you please talk to me about this outside the class??" I pleaded her. With an eye roll she agreed.

We stood out in the corridor. The chatter of the classroom rose as the teacher stepped out of the room. When the door shut, it was so silent it felt like she was staring into my soul.
"Vic look, you used to be such a good student, but you've given up on the assignments I set, you never listen in class, half of the time you look like you don't get any sleep??" She rambled on... Well that was a personal attack.
"Vic I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable" she said
"Well you're doing a really shi- uh bad job at that" I said sarcastically. As soon as I said that I regretted it.

"Victor. Cmon now, you have to listen to me. I want to help you?" I didn't want to look at her so I just stared at my feet.
"I'm worried about you Victor. I really am." I didn't respond I didn't want to tell her anything.
"Ok well. Just stay out here and take some time to compose yourself and let me know when you're ready to talk." She rendered the class room and I just say outside the door.


A few students in year 7/8 walked by staring at me as they walked by. I probably looked a bit strange sat there on the floor outside my French class... With no idea what to do or say. Walking back into class now would be pretty embarrassing by myself... Then again I couldn't just sit outside the door until class was over so, I took it upon myself to take a road trip to the men's bathrooms.

There was nobody inside, all the stalls were unlocked and to my relief aswell. I shut the door and locked myself in the end cubicle. As the lock switched to 'in use' I let out a huge sigh, now that I was completely alone I could let out the tension. Pretending to wear a fake smile around is honestly so exhausting. She was right. My teacher could see right through me. The past month had been difficult since everyone ditched me for some reason... I'm not quite sure what I did. I can't believe it had already been a month since that whole fall out with y/n.

Nobody except my brother was really my friend in this school now. I tried a few times to befriend a few people, but I guess they didn't really like me that much, I don't blame them they have the right to not like me. I had a lot of repressed feelings from my youth and from my previous school, that stuff never leaves you...

I placed my head gently against the cubicle door as I felt a tear roll down my cheek and land on my feet. I hope y/n knew that me feeling this way wasn't her fault... I mean. I guess it was but for some reason I didn't like to admit that.

I slammed my head against the door making it shake and making my forehead hurt like a bitch. I just sobbed and wept all over the floor. There was nothing I could do but just cry. There wasn't a chance of me going back to class looking like this.

Fast Times At Clairemont High [Vic Fuentes]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora