His smile grew. "Hey, baby boy!" Fuuuck. "You ready to start the day? You slept for quite a long time." He exclaimed walking towards me. A Feaverian* accent hanging into his words.

I tried to push myself away only to be met with the bars behind me.

I should properly explain about Faes. You see, some Faes can't have kids. Whether it's to do with their relationships or the fact that they dont want to conceive them themselves (I've heard it's hard) so they take other species and make them act like one. I will not let them do that to me!

The fae started to reach down with his arms ready to catch me. I felt frozen, however, once they snagged under my armpits I was finally free. I flailed my arms around and tried to kick my legs that still felt like led. I wiggled and hit his back and shoulders.

"Awe" he cooed "someone fussy today". How fucking dare he!  "let me go! I'll show you fussy you pointy-eared freak!" I squirmed more in his arm.

The Fae started to hush me and bounce me on his hip while swaying around the room. I still struggled in his grasp which I surprising hard seeing MY LEGS DONT FUCKING WORK! 

I felt my eyes begin to water and a sob form at the back of my throat. I had ways been an emotional drunk that only doubled when I was hungover.

I suddenly felt my head being pushed into his neck. I took a breath to let out a sob. Only it didn't come.

As I inhaled my senses were filled with a wonderfully sweet smell. It smelt like honey and the forest, swirling around my lungs,  sending a wave of calmness through me. My breathing became calm and my movement ceased. I laid slack against him as I breathed in his sent. I felt my eyes droop but not closed. I was already addicted to it.

"There," he whispered in my ear. "No need to be fussy, it's all fine now." He walked over to the folding table and placed me down on it. I was still lulled by his sent I didn't realise he had pulled down my pant until the cool air hit my thighs.

My eyes suddenly wide and before I knew it I had pushed the fae away. He stumbled back a bit, his green eyes widened in shock and a small glimpse of hurt flashed through them. What the hell was he thinking?

I pushed myself up only to hear a crinkle below me. What the fuck!? I looked down to see something covering my lower stomach and groin. It looked like cloth but had some sort of plastic mixed in... Was I in a... DIAPER! I felt my eyes widen even more and a blush spread across my cheeks. What in whatever gods name is this? Well, I knew what it was but still.

I hadn't worn a cloth one of these since I was two let alone a full-fledged diaper. I felt the tips of my ears burn with embarrassment and the tears in my eyes return. I touched it to see that I hadn't wet it. Thank God.  My eyes returned to the Fae's own ones, he was watching me cautiously, stepping closer to me again only for me to push him back even more. I wasn't letting him touch me.

He sighed and called out to someone in Feaverian. Someone else is her?! I thought. I watched the door as a short figure entered the room.

It was another male. He had shoulder-length hair that was cole black. His complexion was very very pale almost snow white. As if it hadn't kissed the sun once in its lifetime. His eyes were pitch black even we're the white was supposed to be... He was a Dark Fae. The ink on his skin confirmed it. It spiralled in patterns up his neck and down his arms. Even in his eyes. It was a tradition for when they came of age that their eyes get inked as a sign of loyalty and trust to their clan. Dark Faes are sadistic and cruel to everyone, humans in particular. They never really dabbled outside their community and if they did it was never good.

I felt myself start to shake as he stepped closer to me. His eyes pinned to me like a predator hunting his prey. My breath got stuck in my throat and my chest tightened.

He scared me.

As he came to the edge of the table he reached out towards my head. I backed my head away from his hand but he kept reaching. When I couldn't move my head further away he put his hand in my hair. My eyes closed on their own expecting pain to start ripping through my roots.

Yet it didn't come.

No instead a soothing feeling flooded my senses. The dark fae was rubbing my scalp and damn did it feel good. Once again I felt my mussels relax and my eyes close halfway again. "There, no need to fret little one." He mumbled. His accent is thicker than his friend's. I fell back onto the table as he came around to my side. He gently ran his hand through my hair and behind my ears. Why was this feeling so good?

I suddenly felt pressure on my bladder. The need to relieve myself suddenly became apparent. I looked towards the Forest Fae again to see that he was pushing down on my balder. I knew he was trying to get me to use the diaper and that wasn't happening anytime soon!

I started to struggle more feeling tears well up in my eyes again. What is wrong with my emotions today? My arms flew up to hit him... Anyone. However, before I could they were caught midair.

I looked over at the dark fae he had a stern look in his eyes that pierced mine. I froze in my movement but the pressure in my bladder became so painful I started to thrash my hips around trying to get away from his hands.

"NO!" I cried out as I felt my bladder relax and the diaper become warm and wet. I felt tears start streaming down my face. My cheeks burned in embracement. I continued to sob and choke on my tears, even though the shushes and calming methods. I was embarrassed. I hadn't wet myself since I was 3 and I had just been forced to at 19!

I hid behind my arms as I felt my top get pulled off a replaced with something that covered my whole body. It was made out of a material I wasn't familiar with. It was fuzzy. A completely new feeling to the cotton I worn. (It was the only material I could afford).

I felt myself get picked up again and my head pushed into the neck. I breathed in the scent and it once again soothed me into submission. We started moving throughout the house into another room.

We seemed to enter the kitchen. I was placed into a chair type thing and strapped in as I tried to wiggle out of it.

Once I realised I couldn't I looked up at them. The Dark fae kneeled down in front of me while the other one started to shuffle through the cupboards.

I tried to look behind me but my head was turned back to make myself look at the Dark Fae. I swallowed harshly.

"We need to talk." He said

Faevarian- the langue faes use.

Hello! Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoy it. I'm not sure how often I'll update or if the chapters will be as long as this but anyway I hope you are all doing okay.

Signing out

Edited for the 1st round

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