I Think I Like You

Start from the beginning

To be quite honest I don't mind running and almost breaking my neck down the stairs. The thing I care about is how he's such a gentleman and how he's actually holding my hand right now. But not to tightly in fact it's just right. He has a grip on my hand but not like he squeezing my hand to hard. It's like his hand was giving me slight happiness in this one go.

Following him to the car just having the time of our lives. Opening the door for me as I settle in nicely. Buckling me up and closing the door before running around the car and getting in. Turning on the car and turning on the radio soft enough to ignore but loud enough to not be silent.

I wonder who all is going to dinner. Will people there think I'm his date or something? Oh gosh what am I doing exactly? Oh yeah .... Trying to get over Phil and also trying to get to know Joe more. He seems so nice I just wish I don't hurt him...

Sighing lightly as he looks at me for a second. "What's wrong Iris?" Eyes glowing in confusion as he grips the steering wheel a bit harder. "Nothing Joe I'm just..." Biting my bottom lip a bit trying to calm my thoughts. "...nervous." Looking at him I am being completely honest. But a part of me is nagging to tell him I'm also lonely... But why?

"Don't be nervous." Giving me a smile while relaxing his shoulders and not being as tense as before. "You'll have fun trust me!" Hope bringing through his voice bringing my mood up a bit. "Plus Niomi will be there and I know you two are like always together. So if you get nervous just talk to me and I'll help you or talk to Niomi. Oh and just really out friends anyways..." His thought stopping I feel like he's leaving something out but knowing I can talk to Niomi is actually reassuring. Plus I have Joe why will I be nervous.

"... Uhhh.... And my parents will be there." That's the part that shook me. Looking at I probably just went more pale and I know I have wide eyes right now. Grabbing my hand lightly kissing the back of it protectively. "Don't worry they'll love you. They have to cause I lik-..." Coughing lightly before readjusting himself holding my hand a bit harder. "Cause we all like you. Especially Zoe she like has an obsession over you."

Looking down at myself wondering if I dressed okay. I mean just a flannel shirt an black skinnies. Will his parents be okay with him being friends with me? I look like a teenage rebel! Oh lord what if they are like super hard not dark colors ever people!

"Uhhh Joe?" Murmuring hoping he won't actually hear me. "Yes Iris?" Asking gently like I'm a lost puppy or something. It's cute but also kind of irritating. Friends aren't always this nice to see each other... Are they? "Do you think that your parents will judge me? I mean look at me I kind of look like a teenage rebel." Losing hope wondering what they are going to say about me. "Trust me they won't care how you dress." Chuckling lightly letting the conversation settle down hit listening to the light music.

Our hands still intertwined locking our fingers together. This is what friends do right? Right?

Sitting there staring out the window taking my phone out quickly texting Zoe and Niomi.

Iris: Ahh!!! I'm scared no one told me Joe's parents were coming :( What if they hate me? What if they tell Joe not to talk to me anymore :/

Sending the same message to both of them before locking it fastly losing myself to my own thoughts. Just before locking down my phone vibrates very loudly. Sending shivers down my thighs making mine and Joe's hand shake as well. Seriously phone.

Unlocking it seeing a message from both Zoe and Niomi. Checking Zoe's first I want to see what she will say it is her parents after all.

Zoe: You'll be fine I promise :D Trust me and why you so worried about them saying not to talk to Joe ;p Something you need to tell me girly?

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