London Coffee

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Waking up to the 'amazing' sunlight coming from my window I sighed just now remembering to buy curtains. I moved into this apartment yesterday and they refused to come with curtains. Groaning cause now since the sun decided to be oh so nice to me I had to get up. Rolling my eyes while checking the clock it was 8:00am.

Seriously I only got 4 hours of sleep... But that's what I get for taking the late flight I guess. Once more groaning I then began dragging my so 'energized' body to the hot shower and got in. Soaking in the water and cleaning the window in here just so happened to have deep blue curtains already hanging up. How perfect was my only thought before I started to actually shower and get out to dry off my pale body.

Even though I come from Los Angeles I am pale. Go figure I'm a short, pale, skinny woman. Only 19 but I'm old enough to get by and young enough to party. As long as that partying was just me playing Mario Kart by myself and making YouTube videos. Oh yeah, I have regular brunette straight hair but it slightly curls at the bottom and I have green eyes that changes of green of what I wear. Right now my hair is a turquoise blue though, it's my favorite color. Oh yeah that's right I forget to mention I'm a Youtuber not that big but my viewers love me and I love them. Well now I finally did my dream and moved to London. I didn't have any friends back in LA anyways so night as well move to my dream place. It's really expensive but I found a cheap apartment and it's on the outer edges on London. Which is even better cause this place is way to big for me. That's enough of me though I need to get back on with my day.

Grabbing my clothes and slipping on a sweater that had a huge I on it for Iris, I got the idea from Harry Potter, and then slipped on some black skinny jeans. Zipping up some black combat boots and stretching. Stuffing my phone into my pocket and also a wallet I walked out the new empty apartment locking it and putting my key necklace around my neck.

First thing is first I grabbed my phone and pulled up the MAPS app to find the closest coffee shop. Luckily for me it so happened to be a mile down the road from me. Plugging in my headphones, so no one else would hear my phone giving me directions, I just followed the odd pathway to the small coffee shop. Finally getting there, very pleased, seeing that it was actually really small and not many people were here. It was perfect. Walking in to see an old bookshelf and some amazing paintings by Vincent I smiled to the smell of old books, drying paint, musk, and coffee. The perfect smell, couldn't help but already know this was going to be my hang out spot for now on.

Going to the counter the man with curly brunette hair and sparkling green with a hint of blue eyes. Red name tag that simply said "Pj". Smiling at me his thick British accent stuck out but it was dry old British, like a pure posh gentleman. "May I take your order?" Looking up the prices were unbelievably cheap! "Yes may I take a chocolate chip cappuccino with a blueberry muffin please." Shyly he was pretty cute and I didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb from my not British voice. Nodding, "That will be 10£." Sighing I still didn't exactly get the money difference from America to London. "New here? You don't sound like you are from around here." In defeat I looked back up at him scratching the back of my head. "Yeah I moved here yesterday it's still confusing for me. I'm from LA and we do money differently. Although I have an app on my phone to show me what to pay the coins and bills are so confusing. Like which one is the dollar coin again?" Chuckling at me my cheeks turned pink from embarrassment. "Well let me show you."

Grabbing my wallet he first paid for me and made my drink and handed me my muffin. No one else was in the store so he came and sat down in a maroon colored booth with me. Handing me my wallet back and pulling out his Zelda wallet my eyes widened. "LINK!" The triforce was imprinted in yellow on his wallet. "I love that game series it's my favorite! I've played all of them. Twilight Princess is my favorite." Fangirling over his wallet he just chuckled. "I've never met a girl who liked Zelda so much." Smiling I took a sip of my drink which I had to admit was super delicious. Discussing the game for a while getting off track and discussing why we liked Ocarina Of Time so much and debating which game was best. Eventually he remembered why we sat down and tried to teach me the money count. It took a while but I eventually got it.

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