Arrival Pt. 2

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Blushing harder as I let her snuggle into me more. Kissing her forehead as gentle as possible while whispering to her softly in her ear. "I'm glad you arrived into my life as well." Seeing her blush slightly before she hides her face into my chest. This couldn't get more perfect.

- 2 weeks later -

- Dan's POV -

Sighing internally as I hear a knock on the door. Rolling over on my bed hoping they will just go away. After a while not hearing anything making me smile until I hear the door open swiftly.

What the fuck?

Getting up pissed off as I walk to the living room seeing someone it didn't expect to see making me even more mad. As if that was even possible?! There is Phil just standing there as if nothing has happened as if he never left! Walking past me with suitcases, in his hands, going into his old room just dropping everything off. I know I'm supposed to be caring since I'm his friend but what the fuck?! Seriously?! What is this?! How in the hell can he just walk back in here like he didn't just leave! He owes me so much money right now for me paying rent and paying all his bills while he just got up and left! I even had to get another job to just get enough money to pay for all his junk. He's lucky I don't just kick him out, but I can't cause his name is on the lease. Plus he's friends with the person that lets us even rent this flat out in the first place.

Walking over to him as he sighs and sits on the couch staring up at me. That's when I noticed his face being more pale than usual. Super skinny as if he hasn't eaten in days, I can see his cheek bones. There is no color to him he looks like a transparent zombie almost blending into the walls. If it wasn't for his clothes he could literally scare someone from just standing. The exhaustion all over his face as his eyes were dark rimmed underneath almost as if he put blackish gray eye shadow under his eye. Fumbling around with his more boney fingers as he sighs again running his hand through his filthy, greasy, hair. Eyes filled with a sorrow that I can't even think of right now but it's also so red as if he's been crying for days on end. Lips so chapped I can see some of his blood running through them.

Sighing internally to myself as I go to my room grabbing some chap stick and coming back to the living room handing it to him. Grabbing it shakingly as he puts some on nodding slowly to me as if it's okay to just sit in my presence. Sitting beside him watching him closely curious to know why he just git up and left in the first place. My mind racing as he lays back slightly on to my shoulder as his hair folds over into a different slightly curly rough hairstyle. "I'm sorry Dan." Saying before falling asleep on me as I just let him rest on my shoulder thinking to myself. "It's okay." Whispering back to him as I just pull out my phone and send a quick message to Iris. Poor girl I still don't know why he left but I do know he'll probably try to talk to her.

Dan: Hey Iris, Phil is back and he looks like hell. I'm pretty sure he will like to talk to you when he wakes up.

Dozing off myself as I lay back into the couch moving his head lightly to my chest. Feeling a little awkward since he's a guy but just ignoring it letting my sleep to take over. Waking up not to long later checking my phone to see nothing back from Iris. Sighing deeply as I turn expecting to see Phil still resting on me but now he's gone. He probably got up and left again. Getting up slowly and walking to my room hearing the shower running in the bathroom. Smiling a bit to myself knowing Phil is still here and maybe I can get my pal back, just maybe.

Opening the door to my room going into my bed pulling out my laptop as I log in. Laying on my bed scrolling through tumblr and twitter while playing music, on shuffle, in the background. A couple of photos later seeing my door open and a little bit of a healthier Phil walking in as he stands at my door just staring at me. Closing my laptop in an awkward silence just patting the space by me on my bed telling him to come sit down. Silently walking over and flopping himself on my bed as he looks at the ceiling above us not moving at all.

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