His finger tentatively hovered over the call button. The chances of him answering the phone after ignoring the text messages were slim, but it was all he had left.

Nothing but the dial tone in the deafening silence. He closed his eyes, still hanging onto that thread of hope, when the monotone beeping was interrupted by a shuffle and nothing else.

"Hello, Clay?" George desperately clung onto the phone. "Clay, please. I'm so sorry."

No words, but the other line seemed noisy. Like he was in a public space.

"Hi, George..." His voice was weak, defeated. Almost like he didn't want to be speaking. "I thought it'd be best if I talked to you before I left."

"Left? You already did that." George nervously giggled. "I wanna apologize. In person. Can we meet?

A sigh. "I don't think so, George. My flight's leaving in twenty minutes."

Blood ran cold in George's veins. "Your flight?! I thought the time didn't even run out on your visa for another five months!"

"It didn't run out. George..." George tightly gripped his phone, pressing it to his ear. He couldn't believe the words coming out of it. "I just don't think... either of us are fit to be together. We've had so many fights on our issues instead of understanding them. Isn't that what we both wanted? Acceptance? Anyways... I'm gonna go back to America. I think it'd be for the best if we pretended this never happened. Goodbye, George. I'll miss you. "

"Clay please wai-" Click.

George whined, cursing under his breath. He threw his phone to the other end of the couch, like it was the one causing so much pain.

He'd never see Clay again. That was the last time he'd hear his voice. Or was it? He hadn't left yet. Maybe George could make it in time-

He jumped up, grabbing his phone and car keys, darting out the door and down into the parking lot. The nearest airport was a twenty minute drive, but maybe if he sped up...

He sped through the roads, actively avoiding the jams. The traffic was luckily pretty scarce, but he spotted a big blockage at the intersection up ahead. The airport building was right there in front of it. It'd take ages to get through.

Without thinking, he parked the car off to the side of the road and made a mad dash for it. By the time he was through the doors, he was struggling for breath, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead. He doubled over, gasping for air, but quickly resumed his search.

The time on his phone read 12:17 AM. He had 3 minutes left. He ran for the seats lined up near the departure gate, swerving around clusters of people that looked at him like he was insane. He stood in the middle of the airport building, looking around, desperately trying to spot his friend.

He saw a person in a green hoodie and, without thinking, made a bee line for them. They were standing with their back to George, so he tried to get their attention.

"Clay!" The person turned around, giving him a weird look. It was a middle aged lady.

"George?" The voice came from behind him instead of the front. He instantly recognized it.

"Clay, oh my god." He slowly turned around, facing the man he'd gone through so much emotional turmoil to find. "You idiot. Do you know what a stupid thing you did?"

He wrapped his arms around Clay's neck, resting his head against his chest. A hand came down to run through his hair as another wrapped around his body.

"What are you doing here?" George felt how the fingers on the back of his head slowed and Clay drew back to look him in the eye. "I didn't want you to make me rethink."

"So you did rethink?!"

"Seeing you here makes it awfully difficult not to... but I still stand by my point, George." Clay sighed, suddenly refusing to meet his gaze. "I don't think we'd be a good fit."

This time, George didn't feel disappointment. He didn't feel hurt, angry, or sad. He was done feeling those things, opting for something he'd wanted to do for a long time.

"I'll show you 'not a good fit'."

He took the fabric of his friend's hoodie in his fists, closing his eyes and tugging him down into a kiss. An arm instantly snaked around his waist, pulling him close, a hand returning to its former position threading through the hair. Clay pulled back.

"George, I'd love to continue, but... people are looking, and I don't feel like getting kicked out for public indecency." He looked down at the man in his arms with a sweet smile. "This is the best idea you've ever had."

George gave him a final quick peck, interlacing their fingers together. "Get that stupid suitcase of yours, we're going home."

Comfort (Dream X GeorgeNotFound)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن