"Do your parents know you are in a gang? That your brothers are operating one?"

"Of course," He says wide eyed. "Mama doesn't dare speak a word...my daddy was killed when I was five...it's just me, my brothers, and the rest of the family. " He sneered at the word.

"I get the feeling you aren't a fan of this life, Pedro."

"Nothing I can do now," He mutters and leans back. "It's life or death now."

"Does Jesús know you're unhappy?"

"He wouldn't care and like I said I have no choice in this."

"There's always a way out of everything," I tell him and try to keep his focus on me and not what I'm doing. "Maybe he'd hear you out."

"Easy for you to say,"Pedro says frustrated. "I bet you have a wonderful life. School, friends, college. Everything you could want right."

He's right.

I do have an amazing life.

I have Alessio, Kim, and my friends. I will always have much more than a kid like Pedro would have.

Or someone like Alessio.

"I do have it easy, but I still wish you the same."

His eyes water. "I fucking hate this."

"Run for it! Get out of California then."

"I can't leave my mama," He says sadly. "She'd never do it."

"I bet she'd make an effort for you."

"She hates this for me," He sighs a little. "She's only known this though because of my papa."

"Just give it a try."


Without any warning the rope falls to the floor and I see him look up at me in shock.

"What the f-"

He's cut off immediately by the sound of rapid gunfire just outside the door. I see him look at the door before he walks around to me and pulls his gun out.

"Who'd you call?"He snaps at me.

"Do you see my cell phone?" I roll my eyes.

"Don't move from that fucking chair."

I watch as he inches closer to the door and keeps the gun at eye level. He moves slowly to the door as a series of screams and gunfire continues on.

There's suddenly a loud pop inside the room and I crouch down behind him. I'm not sure if he fired at something or possibly even me.

I look up and realize he's laying flat on the ground.

Blood oozing from his skull. Lifeless eyes staring at me.

Everything seems to slow down and I can hear myself screaming but don't even process what is really going on when I realize someone is shaking me around.

"Olivia! Stop fucking screaming! Are you okay?"

I gasp and look up to find Anna's golden eyes studying my face. Splatters of red blood decorating her cheeks.


She releases me, "Alessio tracked you."

"What do you mean?"

"He's not dumb, Olivia. Your phone call was weird."She rolls her eyes. "We pinged you before it was destroyed."

"Anna...you have to hurry...Alejandro's brother is going to kill Alessio. He has several men with him."

"We're aware," Anna nods. "Alessio knows what is goin on, we'll take care of this."

"You knew about this?"

"We did, yes," She sighs and looks down at Pedro. "I'm just sorry you got involved."

Son of the BossOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora