Zetzu's Story

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Honestly, I wasn't that all different than the many other victims of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki's Infinite Tsukuyomi. The only difference was that I accepted the darkness.

It was Madara who created my form, but Black Zetsu bonded my soul to this body. Until were fused as one being Zetsu. We were servants, a pawn for what we thought for the greater good working for Madara and Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Though a pawn it was us who caused suffering to thousands, waging war, spreading the circle of anger

Though I couldn't remember much of my past before being tethered to the God Tree, the remaining memories of my human life were plagued with war and blood. This life as Zetsu was something I was content with, it wasn't much was it was enough, however, it was black and white. Until she came along.

"Ya kna Zetsu, you kinda look pretty cool"

Madara had sent to get a boy - Uchiha Obito? All he said was the boy would become a great asset in the future. But it really was what we stumbled on that would change our future.

"I don't really care if you eat me Plant-sir, but answer me this..."

We didn't expect her to be of any importance to us, but we underestimated her. We committed the one sin we couldn't afford to make - forming an attachment. We, Zetsu, the monster who started the 3rd Shinobi War, bounded to the Rabbit Goddess, kill thousands of innocents lives found ourselves wrapped about the pinky of a child!

"Hey Zetsu sir, what did I do wrong to be punished?"

It wasn't on purpose, she was supposed to be a light snack, but the moment we looked into her yellow eyes filled with mischief, something held us back. Instead of screaming and crying, she tells us she forgives us if we ate her

"Hey, we match! I call my other self Demi - for half. Get it? Cuz she's my other half!"

We kept her around because she was amusing, she had charmed our demon side, even Black Zetsu held a small bit of fondness for her, though he would never admit it. She was more like us - more than what the world could understand- she had brought out the small sherd of humanity we carried.

"You know, the stars watch over us, protecting us! My family joined those stars and are watching over me, do you have someone like that Zetsu?"

At the time our answer was no, who would care for a monster like us? But she did.

"I'm sorry Zetsu...I don't want to leave...I'm scared..."

And we finally understood what was holding us to her, she was ripped from our hand. It was affection and love a parent might hold for a child. She was only 11 when the war we created snatched her away.

The irony.

I can still remember her small sniff and whimpers - because she refused to cry believing it would hurt us! - we held her in our arms as the little life that was in her eyes finally snuffed out.

"I love you Zetsu"

Too cowardly to do anything, we left her body and ran to the war that killed her. The anger and grief from her death didn't leave us, it haunted us. We drove ourselves into madness, it wasn't long before out loyalties were severed, after all, it was their fault that she was dead.

"I promise I'll watch over you with the stars"

Madara won, the villages were destroyed, the blond jinchūriki was dead and no life seemed to exist.

But we have a plan and we only need one key element.

Walking up to the single life the survived, we stared down at the pathetic creature. She laid on the ground crying, holding on the the dead body of Uzumaki Naruto.

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