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"Life has a soul of its own and sometimes it's just really stubborn; so when thing don't go the way it wants to then...well who know what happens next."


A/N chapter dedicated to @Marichatsacior thx for helping me get over my writers block and for the amazing ideas and suggestions!


Duck. Jump. Hit. Cheering. Laughter. Block. Hit. Duck.

It was a nice day, maybe that meant it ways going to be a good day who knows. Training with the group was always amusing.

Currently I was training with Hinata, and I love that she's grown, in more way than one.

The rest of the group, stood on the side lines cheering and laughing. In the end they have all grown, physically and mentally

Of course we're the best

Yes, yes we are

With that I kneel down to a crouch, know that Hinata was about to go in for her blow. Stretching one leg out, I strike her leg and grab her arm and she fell over, throwing her over my shoulder.

"Surrender," I placed a palm on her heart and smile as she yields.

"T-that was good S-Sakura-chan," flustered Hinata replies, taking my hand as I help her up.

"You've gotten better Hinata, proud of you!"

"That's right! Hinata! Saku-Chan!! Datebayo!!!" Naruto screams while running over.

"Yeah Hinata, that was amazing!" And that was how our day continued, surrounded by our friends.

A good way to go, don't you think? Because it was always calm before the storm.


"Night sweetheart, good night blossom"

Kissing mom goodnight, and smiling at dad, Naruto and I head up to our rooms.

Naruto yawned and he rambled on, "...and then teme, punched me in the nose. Like who does that? Huh? I was only trying to help him, but the other teme and over and laughed, and ducks flew out of his mouth and Zeus came down to..." I laugh inwardly as Naruto falls asleep in mid rant about something I didn't catch.

Slowly climbing out of bed I was over to my closet, pushing my clothes out the way, I find the hidden seal placed within the closet.

Slowly packing everything I needed, a spare change of clothes, medical supplies, weapons, poison and so on. I gabbed everything I might need and seal them in a scroll.

Silently walking towards my mirror I brush my hair into bun, interlocking wispy strands of pink away from the face. Green eyes stared right back warning me that there was no going back.

Dressing in a back cloak over my attire, I grab my small bag of scrolls filled with everything I might need for tonight.

I look bad at Naruto and he sleeps his arms and legs all spiraled out. Drooling on his stuffed walrus. Cute. I knew I didn't have much time, it was almost here.

The moon was bright, so bright that perhaps the moon maiden could rival the goddess of the sun.

It was time


"It's time. Choose Itachi, what will you do?"

Itachi stared at the man, he was getting old, too old to be Hokage. They needed a successor.

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