He explains in a small voice. A long pause of silence passed the both of us, I was still processing the words he told me.

"Do you know what orphanage she was given to?" I asked, trying to get some answers and tell my dad later.

"Yeah, it was (random orphanage)."

He tells me, I grabbed a piece of paper and jotted down the name of the orphanage.

"And what year was she born?" I asked.

"(year you were born in), she was only two years younger than me."

He tells me. When I heard the year I was born, I was starting to assume some things.

"You don't think, that we're related? Because, Kuroo and Akaashi kept saying how similar we both looked."

He tells me, feeling a bit conflicted and confuse about our situation.

"I-I don't know.. There's a possibility." I said as I let out an exhale.

"Let me call you later, Bokuto. Oh, and be sure to ask your parents if they have any pics of the baby." I said as I put down the pen.

"Yeah, okay. I'll talk to you soon."

He tells me before hanging up, I let out a long sigh and just curled into a ball. My night was becoming a night full on unexpected happenings.

My classmates being lured into a trap, Karasuma telling me to stay put, and something might happen to them!

Not only that, I have this mystery as to who my family is. Plus the case of whether Bokuto and I are related.

I let out a tired sigh and I ruffled my own hair, I grabbed my laptop and opened it. Going through my emails, I see an email from my dad.

Opening it, I see it's contents inside.

[Hey Hun, Your mother and I will be visiting Japan for a bit this Saturday. If your sister and you want to meet up, just send me a message! I love you both, hope you're healthy!]

Feeling a small smile come up to my lips, I let out a small chuckle from how my father still sound childish in this email.

But I turned serious, I needed to meet up with my father. I needed to know about who I really am, my family, my past.

I needed to get answers.

-time skip-

I've been on my laptop for the past 48 minutes and I've just been lazing around, but I heard a ding from my phone.

Picking up my phone, I see I got a message from Bokuto. Wanting to see what he sent, I opened the message.

But my eyes widened at the sight.

He sent me a family picture of him, his parents, and a baby. I didn't know what I was feeling, but the feel of nostalgia hit me like a truck.

Looking closer at the baby, I could see what her eye color and hair color. 

Her short (h/c) hair laid on top of her head like a mop and her (e/c) eyes looked like she just woke up from a nap.

Her hair color and eye color were similar from me. As much as I don't know whether that baby is me, there was one thing I was sure of.

I've seen this picture before. The hospital room with two parents and a little boy, plus the baby being held in her mother's arms.

I was positive I have seen picture, but I don't remember where.

Hold up......What? (Karma Akabane x Reader x Brothers Conflict)Where stories live. Discover now