This is WAR!

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We are all prepared, turns out Michael's best friend, Luca, is a archer, has skill with a bow and arrow, aged to almost be 200 years old, got a lot of skill, useful after he revised on his old skills, we knows exactly where the coven is today, they are living large in a penthouse building, the werewolf community compensated their coven well after they put the pack away, they received over a million dollars!, almost 2 million, but all that money ain't worth it, especially when I'm going to take it, use it to my advantage and destroy them in the process.

We arrive in New Orleans, I have a duffle bag of explosives, Luca has his bow and arrow, I'm wearing tights and a black leather skirt, with a black V-neck long sleeve and a black leather jacket, each of them chose their own clothing, my hair is in a tight ponytail, I'm going to strap each bomb to the fountains below in the underground parking, then Luca will go to the roof across the street and take out targets as he sees them, while the guys will go up the elevator on the 8th floor they are having lunch, won't expect it, the girl are going on every floor above, I will be taking the lower floors, afterwards, we all go to the roof, we have half a hour to do all of this, before the bombs go off, we will all go across there are 12 floors, hoping for no one to get killed, I made the girls wear bullet proof vests to help, I get us into the carpark, freeze the cameras with the guard sleeping, I get them in, Luca is just getting to the next roof, I climb up a column, and I want it to be barely visible, they all go in, I use extra strong tape and strap the bombs on al 42 of the columns, before starting going up, nothing the first 3 floors, I find someone on the 4th, 'who the fuck are you?', my claws come out, his throat is cut, I smirk, his hands gather a kind of electric spark, he fires it at me, I go back against the wall!, just as I start getting up, he is dead, dropped on the ground, there are 2 daughters in a room, I remember agreeing with "no survivors", I close my eyes, roll a grenade in, the girls shriek, boom!, .... their bodies hit the ground, I go up another floor.

The guys gladly ripped through the meeting room, hearing me cause destruction below, the girls come across something interested on the penthouse level, "Roxanne!", I get on the elevator and go up, ... there is a large safe in the wall, I already took all of their money out of the bank, all of it all 3.1 million, I place both of my hands against the large door, and my ear, I hear a heartbeat, I knock 3 times, ... 'mmm' I hear a man's voice softly groan, I go over to the panel, 'what is it?' 'someone is in there?' I say, and I try entering passwords, I ask them, 'got any ideas?' 'we just enter random names?', ... I get a idea, .... 'what was my father's name?' I ask, .... 'Hank' a girl says, I enter ... nope, I have to keep trying, til I try "Alpha Hank", it beeps!, the door opens, I rub my hands together, though I'm wearing fingerless gloves, the handle is silver, I roll the handle, before pulling, then pushing it open, 'Hank!' the girls say, the guy's stop below, he's strapped down with Silver chains and Silver bars, they girls go in, but a border knocks them back!, I press my hand against it, my hand sizzles a little, 'who are you?' he mumbles, 'Roxanne' I say, 'who?' he says, ..... 'Allison' I say, his eyes widen a little, the girls didn't expect my name to be any different, the guys come up, I look at the time, 'we've got 11 minutes, this place is going to blow' I say, I set another bomb on each floor to go a second after each other, 'we cannot leave him here' Michael says, 'I know' I say, they try getting in.

'We have 5 minutes' I say, 'I am not leaving!' Michael says still trying to get in, 'girls, get out of here' Hank demands, the girls start crying but they listen and go to the elevator and zip line across to Luca, 'what is it?, someone get hit?' 'no, ... Hank is alive' one of them say, Luca was having one heck of a time, 'why isn't everyone coming?, we have almost 3 minutes?' he says, ... 'he's stuck behind something?, a spell?, then silver, lots of it', .... 'Michael, you need to leave' 'I'm not leaving you' ... 'I order you, .. to leave' dad says, ... Michael and the others leave, 'I happen to not have to listen to you' I say, he rolls his eyes, I remove my gloves, 'the pack need's a Alpha' he says, 'and that is clearly not me' I say, the guys go up, zip line across, ... 'where's Roxanne?' Luca asks, they look at the time, 2 minutes!, 'oh fuck?' Michael says, I press both of my hands against the border, my hands start burning up, though it's pain, I've felt worse, I close my eyes and a tear comes down my eye, I think about everything, that has led me to this to my real father, I finally have actual family, and I will not lose that to this, I step forward, I know I hardly have time, dad is yelling at me to leave, but I'm close.

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