we're going to have a baby!

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Me and Anthony have been sleeping together for just about a month, I'm starting to worry, though we have had a lot of unprotected sex, literally, the closest we came to protected sex is anal, so while he is at work, and I am sitting at the desk, and I feel it coming!, I got up and rushed to the bathroom, before having my sign of being pregnant, morning sickness!.

I am just working on a assignment, cause the semester has start again, I was able to finish my assignment, when I sketched a lizard in our backyard, and a duck in the pool, when Anthony saw that he wasn't happy, cause I left the bird alone, there were some feathers in the pool when he went out and looked at it, he never uses it, it has a fence around it, it's got a shading spot, and chaise lounges, also a built-in-barbeque and a large grass area, there are a couple trees, and hedges along the fence, on weekends he goes out there and takes care of it, like trimming, hedging, mowing, cleaning the pool, using a leaf blower, he really takes pride in his house, kind of hot, he doesn't have any other plants, he doesn't let any animals live in his trees, kind of charming?, he has a 2 parking garage, he has a grey 4wheel drive, it's new and expensive, and he owns a black jeep, that he takes to work, and he has 2 dirbikes in his garage, he sometimes washes his cars, and he has spare tires and a work bench, kind of like his personal machanic store, I have no idea what he does for work?, well then I learn what he does, ... he is a machanic, he actually owns the place, the also are a car dealership, and there is a tourist attraction, but no wolves can come in, but wolves yes, apparently they are constantly updating their town.

Like last year, they cleared a old neighbourhood, and volunteered to replace the entire neighbourhood with updated homes, and the streets and the plumbing, and those houses attracted new people, with adds they put out around the world, this place is like a slice of heaven, with 2 preschools, a large middle school, a high school, and a college, the town is literally 8,000 acres large, the population is 7,000 and rising, as the neighbourhood has finished several houses actually 7/49 houses have been built, so I got a weird idea and I was kind of inspired, and I built a couple of house designs, each property has 1,500 square feet, with maths I glued some pieces of paper together and I made 1,500 square feet minatured and by the time Anthony got back, 'did I mention I am a workaholic?' I say, 'uh oh' he says, 'I happen to have noticed a few adds?' 'no' he says, 'you don't know what I was going to say?' I say, 'yeah, I was' he says, 'oh really?, what was I going to say?' 'I'm not letting you go outside?' 'no, I don't like your town' I say, he gives a kind of pissed off expression, I bring out the piece of paper, 'just review it?' I say, he glances at it, ... 'not bad?, house design?' 'your houses are so boring, don't look like home, not inviting at all, ripping people off, I've built houses before' 'no', 'I'm pregnant' I say, caught him off guard, he walks over, he kisses me, 'so don't piss baby-mamma off', he smiles, 'I will consider the house designs, but since you are pregnant, I am not letting you anywhere near power tools', 'I think I can handle it?' 'no' he says, he holds my waist, he kisses me, 'how many house designs did you make?' he asks, '8?, all unique and suitable for people of all kinds?, family?, single?, engaged, dirty, clean, outgoing, shy' I say, 'very good?' 'maybe I will let you see the neighbourhood?' 'also, air ducting, the summer heat goes up to 50 here, ceiling fans are so last season, fireplaces, kid friendly is good to' I say, he nods, 'I'm not a designer' he says, 'and how many of your houses out of 7 have sold?' '2?' 'let me help' I say, he shakes his head, can't believe he's considering it, 'are the houses furnished?' I ask, 'no' 'so is there a furniture store nearby?' 'no?' he says, 'how can you not have a furniture store?' 'we happen to have the best post office' he says, .... 'you know, if you let me sell my aprtment and bring down my money-' 'no' he says, 'what am I suppose to do once I graduate?' 'be a stay home mum?' he says, 'you think I'm boring?' 'I think you are reckless' he says, he notices something, 'what is that?' he asks 'ham and cheese panini?' 'panini?, ...' 'what?, you've never heard of that?, it's like a grilled sandwich but better' I say, 'oh?', I go over and I slip the sandwich onto a plate, 'am I making my own?' he asks, I nod, 'mmm', the butter and cheese is all greasy and perfect, I lick my lips, 'don't fucking tease me' he says, he stands behind me, and kisses my mark, I moan, he holds around my stomach, I jump a little as the baby kicks, but he feels a second kick, twins, but I don't know that, he wouldn't be surprised from how much sex we've been having, I go to eat, he takes a bite, 'hey' I pout, he swallows, 'oh that's good' he says, and licks his lips, 'my sandwich' I say, 'my sandwich' he takes it, I turn, 'give it back' I whine, and I chase him around the loungeroom, but he still eats it, I start fake crying, 'don't do that' he says, I cross my arms, 'I'm hungry' I say, he comes over, and picks me up, and he gives me a quickie on our dining table, 'uuuu', I lay my head back, he's found out how to get me there faster, not pulling in and out half way, going all in, hitting my sensitive spot, and touching and fingering just above where his dick goes in, sometime spanking during anal, once we are both done, he lets me have my sandwich, he takes one, before leaving, he took the designs, it's nice that he's considering them, but he also can't believe how far he was from a realistic home.

He shows his Beta, 'damn?, that sounds like one sweet home', I listed what there will be, and simple things that stand out, 'Roxanne designed it?' 'thought you don't let her out of the house?' 'she saw the add?, ... is that a side gate?' 'yeah?, so you don't go through the house or garage' his Beta says, Anthony personally designed his house, he doesn't have air vents, he searches it up, and it'd just cost $2,700, and it comes with a panel and remote control, long lasting and summer is coming, 'want to bring her in?' the Beta asks, 'she's pregnant' Anthony says, 'she'd just be there for designing?' 'with twins, just a month along?, I don't want her anywhere near power equipment, apparently there isn't a furniture store?, and having the house unfurnished?, and she just has so many ideas?, .... I can't believe I'm even considering this?' Anthony says, sitting in his office chair, in his office, with it's custom built desk, and a flat screen and and computer and shelves, and 2 windows with blinds, wood floor, his office chair and there is a lounge with a direct facing towards TV.


Is Roxanne going to help design houses?, possibly make some extra money for Anthony and the pack?, is she going to have twins?, (of course), but I wonder on the gender?, her and Anthony have gotten pretty snug.

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