We rise up

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Noah skids, still in wolf, just ran the entire way here!, across America!, literally took at least 9 hours!, you'd be amazed what they'd do for their Alpha, the others are too exhausted, their coffins haven't even chipped open, their floating on the ocean, 'I'm feeling kind of sick' one of them say, 'uh huh?, I wanna vomit' 'feels like forever we've been like this?!' my claimed says now pissed off, they hear a splash!, Noah swims down!, down!, down!, he sees me, "your naked", I say through my mind, "complaining?", he looks around the tomb, there is a symbol, he twists the skull around and pushes in the eyes, then I feel myself being set free, "you don't have a swim suit on?", "better hurry then", it took me about a hour to swim down here, I grab his arm, and push off of the ocean floor!.

We surface to the top, he breaths deeply, he gets in the boat, I take off the helmet, I grab a large stick with a hook, and we paddle to a coffin, he knocks, and gets a large pounding back, we each hit it, hard!, til it cracks, 'hello?' he says, 'it's about time' he says, he gets on, I throw a match in the coffin, and paddle to the next one, we have to find 13 of them.

We all get off on the dock, we get a couple of looks, 'no nos importa, hemos estado bebiendo salvajemente, y puede haber perdido nuestra ropa durante la inmersión flaca' I say, speaking Spanish, everyone looks away, I go to the car, 'what language was that?' one of them ask, 'Spanish, it's become very popular, in the car' I say, they look at the model, 'I am fucking freezing' Noah says, 'thank you for coming, or were you too busy helping deliver babies?', he growls a little, I give him a blanket, he shivers, 'I call fucking shotgun' he says, and walks around the car, 'what are you wearing?' one of them ask, I get in the car, they each pile up, some of the girls sitting on the guys laps, I take us back to the hotel, we go up to my room, I have some clothes up there for them, 'I am starved?, got anything to eat?', (door knocking), they all become alert, I walk over, I open the door, a man pushes in a tray of food, I tip him, 'Gracias' I say, he walks out, 'please tell me you ordered something good?' Noah says, 'I know running all across America is tiring' I say, and they check out the food, .... I have no idea what I'm doing, but I know they will follow me, 'everything feels so different out here?' a girl says, 'uh huh, everything will' 'even sex?' 'technically you weren't even having sex', they each look at each other, and a nice little reunion and how quickly the room became reeked with sex, I go into the bathroom, Noah is even getting some action, Jesus, it's like how snakes mate, my claimed, comes into the bathroom, he closes the door, and flips the lock, .... 'hi?, I'm Michael, ... I was your father's Beta' he says, I come over, 'I was going to take a shower?, ... wanna join me?' I ask.

'uuuuu', he holds my waist, the hot water dripping down on each of us, his glorious dick fucking me hard, my legs around him, feels like I haven't ever had a orgasm, neither has he, our tongues even fuck, so when he presses me against the wall, and releases more cum than I have ever taken in, that's just over 26 years of no sex, he breaths heavy on my neck, he pulls back, after a while his dick slips out of my wet pussy.

We each get dry, and change into clothes, I do my hair, then we come out, holy shit, 'you missed one heck of a party', I swear they were everywhere, they almost painted the walls in their cum, and I have to pay for room service, poor them, .... 'where's Noah?', 'mmm', he hums laying under the girls, they made amends.

We go over what is going to happen, first revenge, then we need to settle, but breeding is definitely a big thing, though everyone wants to fight, apparently we are only pregnant for 3 months, and also apparently Michael is almost 200 years old!, he's the eldest out of all of them, I am the youngest and Alpha, normally I'd take over on my 125th birthday, so a 100 years from now, but my father took over on his 57th birthday, so things don't always go as planned, also I may be carrying a baby inside of me, 'but first you are all out of training' 'yeah?, that is because I have been working in a lab for 26 years, being a doctor' Noah says 'and we've all been asleep?' Michael says, we train, sleep, regain our strength, but we all know exactly where to go if we are going to hit this, everyone wants to make them pay for what they did, .... 'Noah?, did you really mean it?' a girl just has to ask, 'no?, just needed to get Alpha Anthony off of my back' Noah says, 'so why did you leave us?' Michael asks, still holding a grudge after all of this time, .... 'Alpha asked me to save his "heir", her twin brother died, I took the deal they offered, she would have been killed if I didn't take her' 'and you lost her?' Michael says, .... 'I was asked to take her, leave for battle, I was cornered in a small town, I put her down, just to hide her, they gave me the offer, took me, and boom, ... lost her, I'd been trying to track her down?' Noah says, not lying, 'and since then, she has had sex with numerous men-' '2' I say, 'had children' '5 and a half', 'when she could have been raised the right way' .... 'I need a drink?' I say and I go to the door, I woman screams seeing the room, I close the door, and groan, 'y'all are nasty, just telling you' 'it's actually quite natural?' a guy says, 'it'll grow on you?' 'I'm not into double penetration, thanks?' 'what's that?' a girl asks, .... 'I am curious?' Noah says, 'it's kind of ... a guy behind and a guy in front?' 'that sounds super hot?' a girl says, is there a triple penetration?' ... 'yeah?' ... 'how is that possible?' 'two in the behind' I say, 'didn't think buttholes where that big?' a guy says, 'you haven't done fisting?' 'that also sounds hot?' a guy says, 'I'm going out?, finding a gym, getting a couple drinks' I say, I walk out, the woman screams, '¡Descansa, mujer!' I shout, before closing the door, Noah gets up, 'what are you doing?' Michael asks, 'I'm full, satisfied, clean enough, .... I'm not saying in this ... crime scene nest, is anyone coming?' ... 'what city are we in?' a woman asks, ... 'Mexico' Noah says, 'I prefer Brazil, the parties were so much better there' 'but this isn't the 1900's anymore, this the 21st century, things are different, and Roxanne knows how to help us, and as our Alpha we have to follow her, .... and she is kind of freaked out?' 'how could she be freaked out?' ... 'I've been keeping track, she was in heat, she's going to get pregnant, and she knows it' 'another heir?, so soon?' a woman says, 'Roxanne has incredible fragile eggs, easily pregnant, I mean 5 and half children, and she started at 18?' 'she had that many children in 7 years?' a girl says getting up, Noah gets some clothes on that I'd had in the closet, he sprays some cologne, 'that smells funky?' 'it's cologne?, suppose to smell good' he says, and slips on shoes, 'also she happens to be mastered in several things, and breaking into things is one of them, locks, hacking, mechanics, she knows it, and she is crucial to our pack' 'of course, we'd never leave our Alpha, even if she doesn't know our ways', Michael's close friend, Luca says, 'and especially when she could be caring our pack's future heir, you saw how strong she was, we need her', they get dressed, put on that funky cologne, they guys walk with the girls, walking closely together, I paid for the gym to be mine for the next 4 hours, only cost 1000 pesos, which is like $50 American, the pack come in, I'm sitting on the beams, 'wow?' a girl says, I swing myself up, handstand, flip, front flip, grab the lower bar, swing myself up, hold, split, swing, swing, flip, land, perfect, I stretch my arms, 'that was seriously cool?' a girl says, 'so is this how you train?' I ask, 'no?' Michael says and goes over and removes his shirt, and shoes, the girls just remove their shoes, Max and I get boxing gloves on, 'when's the last time you trained?' I smirk, 'might surprise you?', he swings, I block, no problem, I'm a lot faster than him, the pack of course watch, he stretches his arms, 'you know I'm not allowed to fight you?' 'you won't even touch me' I promise him, he goes to swing, I block, low kick, he falls back, 'anyone else want to take the ring?' I ask, a guy jogs over, he puts on gloves and him and Noah will VS each other.

I jump up, grab a bar, and lift myself up, working on my core muscles, 'we aren't use to training?' the girls say, 'so you just rely on the men to protect you?' I say, .... 'kind of?' one of them say, 'I could help?' I say and drop down, a guy tries coming in, 'gimnasio está cerrado' I say, 'escuchar puta, venimos aquí cuando nos gusta' a guy says, I flash, throw him!, his smashes against the wall, I look at the other two guys, the walk out, I close the door, Noah comes over, 'you just broke his fucking spine?' Noah says, 'I know?' I say, he gets up, 'he's still got a pulse?' he says, 'I know?, but no one calls me a "puta", and gets away with it' I say, 'what does "Puta", mean?' I girl asks, 'whore' I say, and I come over, 'first stretch your muscles', I do a arm stretch, then a leg stretch, 'wow?, you are really flexible?' a girl says, I hold my ankle, and hold it up aside my head, a lot of guy are turned on by that, I let my leg go, 'now, I'm going to teach you how to punch' I say, I show then how to make a fist, after they wrap it, they guys are already sweating, Michael comes over, 'training them to fight isn't going to work?, and this is more of a man's thing?' .... 'listen, don't be a sexist' I say, 'what's sexist?' a guy asks, Noah huffs, 'don't judge me by my gender or I'll knock you to your ass' I say, 'oh?' Michael says, a girl tries punching the punching bag, 'what are they going to learn from punching that?' 'you are really starting to piss me off?' 'rage is something that helps us control our strength' 'do I look like I am pissed off?' 'no, but you are starting to look it', I swing!, the boxing bag hits the wall, drops lands on that guy, 'I'm calm, now back the fuck off' I growl, he walks backwards, following orders, Noah comes over, he holds his fist out, I fist pump him.


Roxanne is pretty strong, I wonder if the 14 of them are prepared for war.

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