Chapter 40 : Diagnosis

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It was now late afternoon. The sun was being to disappear behind the mountains and the sky was a palette of oranges and pinks.

Midoriya had passed out just before arriving at nurses office. Recovery Girl believed that his body was unable to control the pain which quickly became too unbearable for him.

Mr Aizawa was instantly notified of the situation and he arrived a few minutes after Todoroki did. Todoroki was waiting outside the room whilst Recovery Girl did an examination on Midoriya. His knee was bouncing anxiously as he prayed that everything was okay.

'Todoroki,' Aizawa greets, frowning down at the boy. It was obvious how anxious and stressed Todoroki was. One couldn't miss the bloodshot eyes that were accompanied by the dark rings of sleep deprivation. Aizawa could feel his heart ache just at the sight.

Todoroki looked up wearily before noticing the familiar face of his teacher. He simply nodded at his greeting, far too concentrated on the little noises coming from within the room. If he heard one whimper or cry, he was going back inside. There was no way he could leave Midoriya alone again.

Aizawa takes a seat next to Todoroki. 'You're blaming yourself, aren't you?' He asks, breaking the silence. Todoroki slowly nods his head in agreement, trying his best to keep all his emotions locked inside.

He couldn't be weak. He had to be strong. For Midoriya, for Uraraka, for his mother - there was so many for him to protect. He couldn't let his emotions get in the way.

'Push them away,' his father had said every time he found Todoroki sobbing after intense training sessions. 'You don't need emotions, be a man.'

For Todoroki, ignoring his emotions became a way of coping. With no emotions, you can't be hurt anymore. This was how he strived through life. That is, until a certain green haired boy crashed through his barriers.

Midoriya opened him up and changed him for the better. Until then, Todoroki never realised that emotions could also make you happy; that they didn't just hurt you. Everything seemed to have colour now, everything seemed alive. There was so much he'd missed out on by being so detached to the world and it's beauty.

'I know it's irrational for me say this because either way you won't listen to me.' Aizawa begins with a deep sigh. 'But, this isn't your fault. You're trying your best and Midoriya appreciates that. Without you, he'd be lost.'

Todoroki can feel a sob bubbling up inside his throat as tears begin to prick his eyes. It was hard to not blame himself, really. Whenever something happened, he was never there. Midoriya always faced everything alone without any support.

Todoroki felt so pathetic. He was a sad excuse of a friend and didn't feel that he deserved Midoriya's kindness. Yet, Todoroki knew that he could never leave Midoriya's side as he was the only person that made his life worth living.

The door before them opens and Recovery Girl stands before them, lips curved into a sad smile when she sees Todoroki's creased eyebrows and watery eyes.

'Oh sweetheart,' she mummers, rubbing his arm gently. 'He's okay, this is normal for any patient suffering from amnesia. You did the right thing bringing him here.'

Todoroki just nods in response, still fighting his inner thoughts. He knew he did all he could, yet he still found himself pondering over the what if's.

What if I was there? Could I have stopped this?
What if I was too late? Would Midoriya be suffering any further?
What if he remembered a hurtful memory? How would he react?

There was too much running through his mind with little to no space for relaxation. It was almost as if he was a mother worried over her child. Surely Inko would resonate with Todoroki's thoughts.

'But, I do need to chat with you all. I've discovered more regarding Midoriya's amnesia. It isn't as we originally expected.'

Aizawa raises his eyebrows slightly to show his questioning towards Recovery Girl's statement. However, he didn't press the situation as he knew that Recovery Girl would explain everything once All Might arrived.

Speaking of which, the blonde appeared right at that moment. However, his form was deflated, showing off his hollow cheeks and wrinkled skin.

'Sorry I couldn't get here any quicker. I heard that something happened to young Midoriya. Is everything okay? Was it another memory?'

Recovery Girl sighs at All Might's pressing questions but understands his concern. 'Why don't we all sit down There's a few things, as I mentioned to Todoroki and Aizawa, that I need to address. So, it'd be easier if we all talked over a cup of tea.'

All Might nods slowly, bowing his head slightly. 'That sounds good. I'm sorry about me bothering you with all these questions.'

'No it's okay, I know you care for this boy a lot. Maybe a little too much for your own good though.' She looks pointedly at Todoroki and Aizawa, 'that includes you two as well. But, let's go get some beverages and have a chat.'

The four were soon seated at a table in one of the vacant staff rooms that are usually used for meetings. If front of each of them was a steaming cup of tea, or in Aizawa's case, a triple shot expresso. The air was filled with a thick and heavy tension that no one knew how to break.

Recovery Girl lets out a deep breath and begins. 'Okay so, I called you all here to further explain Midoriya's condition.'

'When originally diagnosing him, the doctors had said that the amnesia was anterograde amnesia which would've been caused by the head trauma he suffered from during the fight. However, after my examination today, I cannot agree that that is correct.'

All Might listens carefully to Recovery Girl. 'Are you trying to say that his amnesia isn't caused by the hit to his head?'

'That's exactly what I'm saying.' Recovery Girl affirms, looking around at each person. 'I think Midoriya has dissociative amnesia.'

'Which means?' Aizawa asks, placing his cup of coffee on the table and instead clasping his hands together.

'It means he chose to forget.'

• • •

A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while since I properly updated and I'm sorry for the wait!
I just want to thank everyone that showed their support on my last update. It really means a lot and I'm so so so appreciative of you all.
I hope you all have an amazing day / night and enjoying this update!
Thank you!
~ m00n_child_

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