Chapter 5 : Safe

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Midoriya springs away from Stain, missing his sword by an inch. Bakugou is still on the ground completely hopeless, watching on and wishing he could do something. Stain is strong and has defeated many heroes in his lifetime. His strong belief of unjust heroes has always spurred on his 'job'.

But this young kid, he is real. He is exactly what a hero is meant to be. Even with the terror in his eyes and the shaking of his hands, he still stayed to protect a friend in need. And, Stain doesn't plan on actually killing him - he's just toying around until the boy is worn out so he can kill the blonde.

Midoriya jumps along the walls, trying his best to lead Stain away. He's using a lot of energy just at this, but he hopes that he can at least distract Stain enough until Bakugou can fight again. Stain realises and sees through his plan. Perhaps this kid needs a taste of pain, needs to see the impurity and cruelness of this world.

Stain changes tactics and lurches forward towards Bakugou, but Midoriya defends, punching the man. There's a sickening crack and Midoriya realises that his arm is broken. He squeezes his eyes shut, knowing that he'll have to endure the pain. A broken arm is nothing compared to a dead classmate. He is their only hope right now. He has to keep fighting.

'Still don't know how to control your power, huh? How noble, protecting a friend at the cost of your own pain. This is what a real hero would do.'

Midoriya doesn't answer and instead glares at the man whilst clutching his arm. Stain takes this as an opportunity to attack Midoriya again. This forces Midoriya to reach further back, away from Bakugou. Stain follows Midoriya to a certain length but then returns to Bakugou - baiting Midoriya to come closer.

And of course he does, at the sight of Stain next to Bakugou he races towards them, another punch prepared for the villain. Just as he is about to land his blow, Stain grabs Midoriya's wrist and throws him to the ground, letting another crunch echo down the alleyway.

Midoriya feels pain in his other arm and realises that his shoulder is broken. The pain is excruciating but yet he forces himself up, putting weight upon his two broken arms and stands again, blood slowly trickling down his forehead from the hard impact of the cement.

Stain watches in awe but admiration. 'You don't stop, do you?' He asks, laughing. 'I wonder how much more I have to hurt you until you crumble.'

Stain darts forward, going in low and slashing open Midoriya's thigh, blood instantly oozing from the large wound. Midoriya groans and falls again, looking at Bakugou. 'DEKU!' He screams, struggling to move.

Stain licks the blood of his sword and saunters back over to Bakugou, twirling his sword around. 'Well, your little friend put up a fight. But to what cost? Look at how injured he is now.' Stain says, smiling wickedly. 'Should we make him our audience? I'm sure he'd enjoy watching the life bleed from your eyes as I destroy you.'

'Like hell!' Bakugou yells in return. 'There's no way a bastard like you will beat me!' He squirms, beginning to have feeling back within his arms. He tries to get up but Stain pins him back down, stabbing his arm.

'KACCHAN!' Deku screams, tears forming as he watches Bakugo squirm in pain and discomfort. For once, he can see fear. Pure terror in Bakugou's crimson eyes. He knows that this is the end, that this is how he will die. But Midoriya won't allow that - he just can't.

Stain cleans his knife, lapping up Bakugou's blood, some of it dripping down the corners of his mouth. Bakugou looks at him in disgust, trying his best to stay strong. But he can't move, he's completely stuck. Stain grabs the front of Bakugou's shirt and raises him before dropping him hard against the concrete.

Bakugou hits the floor and his back slams against the wall. He groans slightly and bits his inner cheek, refusing to give Stain the show he desires.

Stain watches, annoyed that the boy isn't responding how he'd like. 'Nothing? Not a yelp or scream?' Bakugou doesn't reply and remains still. 'Fine then, I'll make you talk.'

He drags his blade along Bakugou's collarbone, finally allowing a slight scream escape Bakugou's lips. He smirks, watching as the boy squeezes his eyes shut in pain. 'Such a nice noise, I'd love to make you do it again but I'm running short on time. Maybe in your next life I can torture you more.'

Bakugou's eyes widen in fear as he realises what Stain meant. This is it, this is his end. Stain raises his sword, aiming for Bakugou's stomach. He can hear Midoriya screaming but knows there's nothing he can do now. This is it. He closes his eyes, preparing himself for the blow.

But it never comes.

Bakugou opens his eyes slowly and sees Midoriya's back in front of him, the tip of the blade poking out of the boy's back. Midoriya turns and smiles at Bakugou helplessly, a tear travelling down his cheek.

'It's going to be okay... Kacchan, I saved you.'

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