Chapter 11 : Please

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'Just a little bite. Please Bakugou.' Kirishima begs, watching as the blonde sat there, skimming his chopsticks over the food in front of him.

The two had arrived at a restaurant not so long ago and Kirishima had brought himself and Bakugou an early dinner. But getting Bakugou to actually eat was a harder task then Kirishima had first anticipated.

From a young age Bakugou's mother had always taught him not to play with this food. Especially when someone else brought it for him. And after so many slaps to the knuckles and constant reminding, Bakugou never once played with his food. But now, he couldn't find anything better to do with it.

It just looked so unappealing delicious. He could imagine the juicy steak touching his tastebuds, hell he could even drool over it. But, for some reason there was something stopping him from eating.

Just the thought of taking one bite made him want to vomit. In the past few weeks he had, had this issue. But over time it just happened to get worse. Honestly, he can't remember the last time he ate properly. Perhaps it was when Kirishima came over.

But, even after that meal he found himself hunched over the toilet bowl twenty minutes later emptying his stomach. He didn't understand why he couldn't eat or why he couldn't keep the smallest amount of food down. It was really starting to annoy him. But honestly, he didn't even have the energy to get angry anymore.

Everything was just such an effort.

The only thing that wasn't an effort was when he went to see Midoriya. That was the only thing that felt easy. In fact, if he even went a day without visiting Midoriya then he'd become even more drained.

'Bakugou.' Kirishima speaks, pulling the blonde out of his thoughts. Bakugou looks up at his friend, in which he is met with Kirishima's softened eyes that bled with worry. 'Please.'

Bakugou sighs, a ball of guilt forming in his stomach. Just the look of the food is unappetising. But, Kirishima looked so worried and had tried so hard to help Bakugou so he felt like he owed Kirishima.

Sighing, he lifted his chopsticks and picked up the tiniest chunk of meat he could find before shoving it in his mouth. Bakugou struggled to swallow the first chunk and looked at the plate again.

As soon as he hears Kirishima cheering him on and looking so happy, he knows he has to eat more. He keeps shoving down one piece after another, soon conquering half the plate.

But, that's where his finish line is. After shoving another piece of meat in, he can feel himself get feeling queasy. All the food stirred inside him and began to rise. Kirishima noticed Bakugou's expression and gave him a smile.

'It's okay if you can't eat the rest! You did really well Dude. I'm so proud of you!'

Bakugou struggles to keep the food down any longer and stands, running towards the bathroom doors, barging into a woman on his way. The lady stumbles and Kirishima instantly runs over to her and helps her up.

'I'm really sorry. He's sick at the moment.' He explains quickly before running into the male bathrooms.

As soon as he enters he hears gagging and can smell a stench creeping from out of a stall. Kirishima kicks the door down and finds Bakugou hugging the bowl, releasing everything he just ate into the water.

Kirishima rubs his back and tries his best to soothe the shaking boy. His heart hurts to see Bakugou like this. His usual strong, confident and hot-tempered friend has morphed into this fragile, fatigued and quiet boy before him.

And it wasn't right, it wasn't fair. Why was the world dealing Bakugou this hand of cards?

Sure, he hasn't always been the nicest towards others but he really did have a kind heart. Deep down, he was so caring and really did hurt just like a normal human. It's just that no one stayed around long enough to see that.

Finally his vomiting eases and Bakugou rests against the wall of the stall. He feels gross and just the acidic taste in his mouth makes him want to puke all over again. Bakugou's throat was burning and his eyes were watery. He just felt so tired. So tired of this world.

Was he even alive without Midoriya?

Kirishima quickly fetched Bakugou a glass of water and helped him take small sips. Throughout it all Kirishima was apologising for forcing him to eat but Bakugou just swatted him away.

Soon Bakugou was back on his feet but he still felt a little dizzy. Kirishima decided to flag down a taxi because he really didn't think Bakugou could make the twenty minute walk back to the dorms.

As soon as they arrived back on campus, Kirishima lead Bakugou up to his apartment. Bakugou may of felt a little groggy and confused, but he wasn't dumb. He paused just before Kirishima was about to help him inside and Kirishima just looked at him questioningly.

'What are we doing here? Why aren't we at my room?' Bakugou mumbled, his eyes lidded.

'I'm not letting you stay alone and I have everything here to look after you.' Kirishima answers, pulling Bakugou inside. Bakugou sighs in defeat and walks over to Kirishima's bed, flopping onto it.

Bakugou fell asleep seconds later and Kirishima didn't have the heart to move him and disturb his sleep. From what he could tell, Bakugou really needed this rest.

Kirishima pulled off Bakugou's shoes and socks before draping a blanket over the blonde. He then went and changed into his own pyjamas before curling up on the couch.

Kirishima fell asleep quickly, hoping to forget everything that happened today and move onto a better tomorrow.

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