Chapter 32 : Calming

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As soon as Bakugou notices Midoriya standing by the door he can feel his body tense up. Memories of that day came flooding back. The blood, Bakugou can still feel it soaking into his shirt. There was too much of it... Midoriya's lifeless eyes and frozen smile was an insight of Bakugou's own horror movie.

Kirishima places a hand on Bakugou's arm. 'Hey man! Why don't we go sit over with the others? You haven't seen the gang in a while.'

Bakugou shakes his head slightly to try and clear away his thoughts. 'Sure.' He mumbles, walking away with Kirishima.

The room now had a sudden thickness of awkwardness. Everyone could sense the strong emotions between Bakugou and Midoriya, it was too obvious.

To be forgotten by someone you've always held a close bond with... it's only imaginable what pain Bakugou has endured.

Midoriya's eyes follow Bakugou's figure that has retreated to the back corner of the room. The others around him are talking excitedly, but he remains silent. His face is scrunched with built up emotions, Midoriya can read him like an open book.

Is this what it's like for Todoroki when he sees me? Why is it that I can only understand this boy?

There's something so oddly familiar about Bakugou yet out of place. His actions, it doesn't seem right. It's almost as though Midoriya was expecting something more.

Whether it'd be an emotional reunion or fit of insults, Midoriya couldn't tell. All he knew was that there was something more, something strong between the two.

Even with Todoroki's brief explanation on his and Bakugou's relationship and the encounter with Kirishima yesterday, Midoriya was still lost. He felt so frustrated and hurting, like he was forgetting something important.

Suddenly Bakugou begins shouting, leaning over the table threateningly at Kaminari who is in fits of laughter. Kirishima is trying to pull Bakugou away but all his arms are shaky with laughter.

The classroom, it's dull. Nothing more then a normal room. On the desk before Midoriya is a notebook - opened with messy sketches and handwriting covering every inch of the page.

Suddenly the bell rings and Midoriya can feel a daunting presence behind him.

'Oi, Deku.'

Midoriya's eyes widen and he grips his hair tightly from the extreme headache. His breathing is shaky as he tries his best to calm himself.

What was that just now?

Todoroki breaks away from his conversation with Iida and sees Midoriya's shaky back. He rests a hand on his shoulder which makes Midoriya jump and instantly turn around.

Todoroki is shocked to see tears running down Midoriya's face as his hands are tangled tightly within his green locks. 'T-Todoroki...' Midoriya gasps out.

'Hey, Midoriya. What's going on?' Todoroki asks, struggling to keep the urgency out of his voice. 'S-Someone get a teacher!'

Everyone looks over in their direction and instantly jumps into action. Yaoyorozu rushes out the door, her ponytail bouncing as declares that she'll find Mr. Aizawa.

Meanwhile, the class had gathered around Midoriya who was now on his knees, sweat dripping down his forehead.

'M-Midoriya I need you to breathe.' Todoroki says, his voice shaking slightly. This wasn't a situation he was used to - he didn't know how to handle such a crisis.

Tsuyu steps forward and crouches in front of Midoriya. 'He's having a panic attack. Everyone needs to move away and give him some space.'

With Tsuyu's orders, everyone slowly retreats, but still keeps their eyes on Midoriya out of concern.

Bakugou watches from the back corner, teeth clenched. None of these bastards know what they're doing. They don't know Midoriya like he does, they don't understand his thought process.

Simply telling him to breathe won't work - it makes Midoriya more aware of his restricted oxygen. Their methods aren't effective at all. At this rate, Midoriya will pass out from suffocation.

Bakugou steps towards Midoriya that has Todoroki and Tsuyu by his side. Although it was never seen, Bakugou had encountered his fair share of Midoriya's panic attacks over the years.

'Move.' Bakugou says, voice low and demanding. Tsuyu instantly removes herself from Bakugou's path. However, Todoroki stays by Midoriya's side - not trusting Bakugou one bit.

'I said, move.' Bakugou growls, glaring at the boy. With a stern glare, Todoroki backs away. Even if he was cautious of Bakugou being with Midoriya, he knew better then to stop him.

Bakugou crouched in front of Midoriya. 'Listen here you stupid fuck. You know how to fucking breathe so stop being a wimp and just do it!'

Everyone's eyes widen at Bakugou's supposed 'help'. 'You can't just say that man!' Kirishima cries, running over in their direction.

However, he falls dead in his tracks when he realises that Midoriya's breathing had returned to normal. Even though it was still slightly shaky, Midoriya was inhaling the oxygen he desperately needed.

'See? Not that fucking hard.' Bakugou snarls, standing up. 'Now get your ass off the fucking ground and stop acting like a pussy.'

Midoriya nods slowly and takes Bakugou's outstretched hand, rising to his feet. Even with his legs trembling, he felt a lot better. It astonished Midoriya how well Bakugou managed to read him.

It was almost as though Bakugou knew exactly what Midoriya was thinking. He was even better at reading Midoriya then Todoroki was.

With Midoriya standing on his own two feet in a much calmer manner, Bakugou decided that his job was done. Without a second thought, he clicks his tongue and walks outside the classroom doors in search for some fresh air.

Midoriya's eyes follow him the whole time before Todoroki places a hand on his shoulder. 'Are you okay? What was that?'

Todoroki's face was painted with concern but Midoriya still found his mind occupied in thought.

'I... I think I remembered something.' Midoriya answers, voice barely above a whisper.

• • •

A/N: Thank you so much for all the support you've been giving this book! I'm super grateful!
I've been reading all the comments and have thought that I may do a chapter to explain each of the main characters head-spaces at the moment to give everyone a better understanding of them.
But, once again, thank you so much and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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