Chapter 10 : Realisation

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That afternoon was Bakugou's breaking point. It was the maximum of what he could take.

Kirishima burst through the door of Midoriya's room, sweating profusely and panting. He looks around at the scene, his eyes widened and panicked.

Todoroki hadn't moved since he called Kirishima. He was still standing between Bakugou and Midoriya, protecting his best friend from the monster in front of him.

Not once this whole time had Todoroki blamed Bakugou for this situation. Because it wasn't his fault. Overall, it was Stain's. But, right now he felt anger and could feel his mind start to form a hatred towards Bakugou. Because if Bakugou hadn't ran off that day in a tantrum, if Midoriya hadn't of followed him out of the kindness of his heart then none of this would ever of happened.

Todoroki would have his best friend by his side right now, smiling at him. But instead he is laying peacefully in a coma that he may never awaken from.

Kirishima didn't know what to think or how to feel. He'd last seen Bakugou in three days and even by that short period of time he had deteriorated. Bakugou had large dark circles under his dull eyes. His skin was pasty and his bones had began to poke out from underneath his once healthy muscles.

Bakugou looked completely ruined and it broke Kirishima that he'd driven himself this far into depression.

'Bakugou,' Kirishima whispered. But the boy didn't answer; he didn't move. 'Bakubro.' He tried again but still there was no answer. Kirishima gulped, a sob in his throat. 'K-Kacchan.'

Bakugou's head moved, looking up at Kirishima blankly. Unconsciously tears streamed down his cheeks, he felt like he wasn't in control of his body anymore. He didn't know what to do or how to feel. All he knew was that he was a mess and needed Midoriya. He needed him so badly.

Kirishima hugged Bakugou tight as the boy broke down again, clutching at his friend's shirt. Kirishima let Bakugou hold him tightly, let him soak his shirt with his tears.

Bakugou was howling in agony as the whole situation hit him. The last three weeks finally caught up with him,he finally understood the situation. Midoriya was on his deathbed right now, only stable by machines. And he has just tried to kill him.

'I'm s-sorry!' Bakugou yelled into Kirishima's shirt - tears streaming out even more. 'Fuck I'm s-so fucking s-sorry Deku.' Kirishima held his friend tighter, his own eyes spilling a few tears.

He just wished that he could help Bakugou, that he could glue all his broken pieces back together again. But he knew that only Midoriya could do that, only he could save Bakugou.

Minutes passed and Bakugou's sobs finally subsided, his grip on Kirishima finally going slack. Kirishima pulled away to look at Bakugou's raw eyes and chapped lips that were slightly bleeding from him biting them.

Bakugou looked destroyed, like he had the weight of the world on him right now. But at least he was responsive. There was hope and Kirishima was going to grab onto it.

'Are you okay?' Kirishima asked wearily.

Bakugou just nodded, avoiding Kirishima's eyes as his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. He can't believe that he just cried in front of Kirishima and Todoroki like a baby.

Kirishima smiles softly, glad his friend was looking at least little better. 'Why don't we go grab something to eat? You look like you need some fattening up. You're almost as frail as my grandma.'

Bakugou glares at Kirishima but agrees, feeling more comfortable with Kirishima making light of the situation. Meanwhile, Todoroki doesn't speak a word and just watches the two stand up.

He's still mad. But at least he knows that Bakugou won't be trying that ever again.

Kirishima offers for Todoroki to join them up he denies it, saying he'd like to spend some more time with Midoriya. So the two leave, allowing Midoriya and Todoroki to be completely alone.

Todoroki sits on the chair by Midoriya's beside and buries his face in his hands. What if he hadn't of gotten here right then? If he'd of been a few seconds later he would've lost Midoriya for sure. The panic he felt in that moment when he saw Bakugou ready to pull the cord made his heart stop.

It just made him realise how much he cared about Midoriya. Of course the two was friends and it was no secret that Todoroki had a soft spot for the green haired boy. But, he never realised that he cared that much.

Because honestly, in that moment it felt like the sun had fallen - like he was being constrained in a box with no light. In that moment, he realised just what it meant to loose someone so dear to you.

And he never wanted to feel that again.

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